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Emerald Sect Report #2
Esca walked the halls of the Foehammer and approached two large steel doors that led into a meeting hall. Within this hall, the battle team Emerald Sect was awaiting Esca for a report for the week. The Apprentices and Novices...young ones waiting to gain more power within the Dark Side. Esca entered through the partially opened doors and stopped in the back of the room. The Apprentices were all huddled together in the right side of the room and the Novices were huddled in the left. Esca looked at Talon, who was to the right of Esca, and shook his head. Talon was there to see how Esca would handle himself. Esca took a small breath and began to walk up towards the front of the room. He wasn't wearing his battle armor, so his torn tunic 'cape' flew behind him as he walked. The Apprentices and Novices watched him as he made his way to the front and didn't say a word. Esca turned and glared at everyone. "Attention! Apprentices to the front! Novices behind them! This is proper attention. Thank you.!"
I wish to welcome you all, new or older within the Emerald Sect. I am Dark Jedi Knight Esca Teiko. I am you battle team leader. The number one rule for Emerald Sect is that you show enough activity to get yourselves promoted to the rank of Acolyte in two weeks of your placement within Emerald Sect. I hope to see all of you Apprentices become Novice by the end of the weekend. That, in my opinion, is by far enough time to reach that rank.
If any of you ever need any help with anything in the DJB, even when you leave Emerald Sect, ask me. I will help to the best of my ability. If you can't get anything useful out of me, the Summit, QUA Talon and AED Aticus, will help just as much as I will, maybe even more. The main word of advice that I can give you now, is to work hard within the Shadow Academy and find your way around the DJB site and related sites, say, the ACC (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/)and the Message board (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/message_board/default.asp).
Shadow Academy
Even though I missed a week or so, I will just put down the things I have received from this week.
Bladerunner has completed the MSN exam.
Bladerunner has been promoted to Acolyte and has been placed in a proper battle team.
Rhyies Argieve de Fey has also been promoted to Acolyte and has been placed in a proper battle team.
Congrats to them both.
I wish you all luck for what will come in the near future and I hope to see you all gain the rank of Acolyte soon. Farewell.
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