Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Anyone who cares,

As everyone knows, Kali Desdemona and Lenzar Demonis have been at each other's throats for many months now. What started as a namecalling match had progressed through to what it is today, a dividing issue in our house. This was where I drew the line. I understand that people aren't going to automatically like everyone just because their clan and house change. But when this starts getting all engrossing to the point where people are getting physically stressed out is when it needs to stop.

I am going to take a minute to bring you a moment of clarity.

This is a voluntary club. We rarely, if ever meet face to face. The words that flash across your monitor are not enough to make you hate someone. If you hated them you wouldn't bother logging into IRC, or even participating in the club. This is not your life. They are just words. And hurtful as words might be, I'm not going to toss the whole club to the winds because someone typed a few angry words at a few different times.

Now, I got tired of the B/S. So I called a hearing. I tried to get people to air their grievances, and come to terms with their issues and get over them. I tried to mediate between these two. Unfortunately, one of them refused to say anything. The other seemed willing to work through their differences to come to some sort of cease-fire.

Now, to this day, I don't know really what has gone on between these two. I get second and third hand reports, unsubstantiated rumors, and hearsay. I could care less who started what, or who said what. I just wanted the crap to end, so we can clean up and go back to trying to win events.

Action was needed. So where is the problem?

I have one person who refuses to make public statements about the thing because they 'would get so angry and say something they didn't mean" while getting violently ill. This same person got into a big fight with their tetrarch for no reason that i can discern. Called names and participated in a minor kickfest in an all-opped channel.

the other person has been a dick to the other person. By placing them on their ignore lists at random, by calling names, and starting a minor kickfest in an all-opped channel. But this was the person willing to settle things.

So presented with this turn of events, I had to do something that would settle the argument, and do something that would stop the house from dividing further.

I did not want to give anyone the boot. I would have very much liked it if everyone grew up and realized that their argument was b/s. I now realize that this was too much to ask.

I moved to release Kali Desdemona from House Marka Ragnos. Because if she was unwilling to end the strife, this was what had to be done to end it.

I had been friends with Kali since last March, shortly after I arrived in HMR. I would have to say that she was one of the better friends I have had in this club. But this was not a chance for me to abuse my authority and favor my friends for the reason that they are my friends. It would not be fair, nor would it be right.

After this announcement was made in our clan channel, I was able to talk a bit with Kali. She did not agree with me, which was to be expected. But she believed that this meant that Lenzar 'had won'. This is not the case. Nobody won here. Marka Ragnos lost a good member due to petty b/s. And I lost a friend. Because, even after I asked her to come back and try to work things out, she refused.

I know that I am going to get emails telling me how I was right in backing Lenzar, or how I was wrong in punishing Kali. The truth is neither. I stopped a fight. I stopped it from getting worse, and the price we had to pay was high. I have served on this House summit for six months now, and never before has any argument devolved into this kind of dredge, to the point where action must be taken. And i hope that it will not happen any more.

So, now you know, from the horse's own mouth what has happened with Kali and her (now self-inflicted) exile.

Quite frankly, I'm tired and disgusted that this stuff had gotten this far out of hand.

KAP Muz Ashen (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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