Dinaari Aedile Report
So it's back to the traditional report this week. I'll surprise everyone some other week with a special edition. It stays "special" longer that way. The Tal Times was (finally) released, go here (http://www.taldryan.org/taltimes/1/) and enjoy. The Krath Rite of Supremacy begins today, so Shad has sent out important-type emails to everyone. Go read them, they're kinda important. The short version is...participate in this, house competitions are "on hiatus", cc us (Shad and I) with your submissions, and reply to the awol check.
Competition Site:
Krathy RoS - http://www.krath.org/RoS.php
Hit List:
(On hold - check out the RoS)
(On hold - check out the RoS)
(Weekly Multiplayer Things)
1v1 Night - Tuesdays in #GMRG
Team (2v2 or more) Night - Thursday in #GMRG
"The ICTE" - Saturday in #outerrim
Bi-Weekly MP Tournament - Every second Sunday in #GMRG
Phalo Lorn joined
Awards, etc.
Duga - LS
Locust - DC, CF
Go out there and do...krathy things?
OP Pimp Benevolent Whiner (Obelisk)/AED/Dinaari of Taldryan
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