Hello and welcome to edition three of Ruby Report.
1.) First, I am going to require a report from each of you each week.
Meaning that if I do not get a report from you once, I will take
appropriate action. If I do not get one twice, you will be get kicked
out of Ruby Squadron and sent somewhere else you can be lazy. Also, if
you have a valid reason for not sending me a report, just tell me. I
understand that things happen. However, make sure you do tell me.
2.) As my computer is screwed up right now, I am not able to get on
IRC and sometimes not the internet. For instance, right now I am
typing this at my neighbors house. =)
3.) The Krath: Right of Supremacy is going on right now, so go out
there and show your pride in your Clan, House, and Battleteam. This is
a great way to get promoted and rewarded, so get out there.
4.) I have been getting complaints from other people about some of
your behavior. =( I have had problems with respect and other issues.
You know who you are. If I do not see a change in this, measures will
take place.
5.) I am somewhat dissapointed in some of your participation. If I do
not see a change soon, again measures will take place. Some of you do
not seem to have any pride in this House, Clan, or more importantly,
this Battleteam. I want to see you out there.
6.) Now, I would like to say if you have any questions about ANYTHING,
please address them to ME. I will try to help you, if I can not I will
find someone who can.
Shadow Academy Tests Passed:
Schisca - Krath Grammar Studies
I want to see more of these.
Schisca - (ACO) --> (PRT)
Sunflash - (PRT) --> (GRD)
Dark Jedi Knight Godo Nurok - (Archanis) --> (Ziost)
Medals Awarded:
Sunflash - Star of Antei
Sunflash - Dark Cross
Remember, I am you Cmdr, so do not be afraid to get ahold of me. I am
also wondering what kind of changes you guys are looking for, so
respond in a respectful manner, and detail what you want.
GRD Sunflash (Sith)/CMDR/Ziost of Exar Kun [ACC: INI]
(StA) / DC
{SA: U:TL - G:LS - G:IRC - G:MSN - G:MED - O:CORE -
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