Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Yu Report, 1/12/05

Written by MERLANCE


Another week went by, and it was not altogether uneventful. I saw a sliht resurgence in activity, which is always a good thing, and our Yu writing comp has begun. I urge everyone to take part, because other than spelling and grammar, I am a pretty easy grader. The more you write, the better, but length doesnt reall matter to me. Besides, its 4th level crescents, which are marginally better than the normal 5h level crescents.

Additionally, Rekio has challenged me to get 100 wins in a month. I'm on a good course, with 30 wins in under a week. If things go well, I'll have 100 wins in far less than a month, and I expect that they will.

Important: I want an email from everyone ASAP (before next Wednesday). In this email, I want to know what YOU want from YU. Is there any type of competition you would like other than gaming? And is there anything you feel would make your tenure in the Brotherhood more pleasant. additionally, is there anything that I could do to improve current conditions, or any areas of leadership that I need to work on? This email is VERY important. I want something from everyone, even something as simple as "Keep up the good work, keep things interesting:"

Individual activity

Oh, since no one sent me the ICTE results, I cant say who participated. But I know at least me, Vadar, and smoke20 were there. If you were there as well, it is a mere oversight, I assure you, and you are due the credit for participating.

Smoke20 ran another round of trivia, earning a legion of the scholar for doing so, or at least will shortly. he got a bunch of backlogged CF's, too. he is taking a break from IRC for a while. Additionally, he sponsored our most recent competiton, the Yu writing competition.

Shimas got first place in DB trivia after the meeting, on Saturday. He also got some backlogged CF's.

Nit'Chu, through his skill and determination, has advanced to the rank of Jedi Hunter. Yay Nit'chu!

Pyralis is on vacation, and will be back soon. He got some backlogged CF's.

Vardar got some backlogged CF's. He is on a semi-leave from the DB at the moment, but is still around at least marginally. I hope that he will return to us soon.

Yemmer is still out. No word from her, yet, nor have I seen her on IRC.

I had a reasonable week. 2nd place in DB trivia for me. I also got 11 backlogged CF's. Additionally, 30 victories in XwA and XvT.

Roster stillstands at 7 members. i've been working on getting a replacement, but no luck yet. I hope to FINALLY have #8 by next week.


Second Hand smoke20

Warrior Vardar

Warrior Yemmer

Warrior Pyralis

Warrior NitÂ’Chu

Warrior Shimas

Yu Challenges:

No challenges scheduled for this weekend, but that could change.

We defeated Viper Brigade on Saturday, with 4 members of Yu showing up, and no Vipers present.

Additionally, there is Rekio's challenge to me, but that is not directed at Yu as a whole.

Tarentum News: Sword and Trident is over. As such, there will be a bit of a breather for a while before the next big competition.

DB news: There's always big DB news to be found on the main news page

Most notably, there is the Krath Rite of Supremacy going on. Its mostly fiction writing and ACC participation, but if ANYONE can help with the crossword, email Telona.

And there's always a ton of competitions on the competitions page (though many are restricted in who may participate)


So, this is a reasonable week for Yu. The return from inactivity of christmas has begun. And since a New Year is upon us, we are motivated to continue our course and excel, for we are truly the Gem of Tridens.

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