Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Simple report this week.

[Krath RoS]

As I'm sure most of you know, Ektrosis is the First House of the Krath, having won the last Rite of Supremacy. Well it's happening again and we need to prove yet again how awesome we are and how we really are the best Clan and Krath House in the Brotherhood.

The events for the first chapter are available here: http://www.krath.org/RoS/Chapter1_events.php

Also if you get any answers for the Crossword puzzle, since it's a Clan events I urge you to send them to myself and Kir.

The run-on has also been started. Some good, quality writing and we're sure to win this. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/message_board/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2689

There's also an ACC co-op event; challenge a partner in the Clan that's not already invovled in a battle and get cracking!

Fiction is around too... write some kick-ass stuff and we've got it made!

[AWOL Check]

That's right! AWOL check.

The following people still have not told me they're alive:


Betja Jun


Alex Draconis

Apoc i-Sa'onserei ui'Ifrionn



Morgan Delano

Menephes din santo

Samara Alavo

That's a pretty big portion of the House. If I don't receive an e-mail stating that you're alive with your PIN and ID-line from you by the 19th (I've shortened the deadline slighty), then you'll be removed from the House. I don't want to be sitting here all aloooooooooooone. :P

[Medals and Such]

Dark Sabre - 2 CFs, Cr-Q, LS

Vodo Biask - Cr-S-Q, LS, Promotion to PRT

Chaosrain - 4 CFs

Malevolent Blade - Cr-E


I'm also going to take a short LoA (from Thursday until Tuesday) due to a swim meet. In the mean time... kick ass in the Krath RoS!

-QUA Dark Sabre

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