Desdemonea walked into her study and sat at her desk. She rubbed her temples and began writing her report, or lack there of.
I sadly report that I have little to report.
Krath Tyro Braecen: Approved LoA -- Come back safe.
Krath Tyro Jaze: AWoL
Krath Tyro Vicera Syn: AWoL
Krath Tyro Uzbad: Semi-Active -- Good work in the ACC and I have seen you have recently started showing up on IRC. If you enter competitions, writing or other wise, please CC that to me so I know you are active.
Krath Tyro Seiryu Kaieet: AWoL
When I receive more activity from my Tyros I will plan competions for them, however until then I would like those of you that are active to participate in the competions that you can and please keep me informed of those you do enter.
Other Comments:
Those of you marked AWoL, if you are here let me know, other wise you are staying marked as AWoL and most likely will be put as a rogue. If anyone knows anything of those marked AWoL let me know for the same reason.
Desdemonea sighed and shook her head as she read over the report; it was definetly sparse. She stood and made her way to submitt it.
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