The Herald Office loses a very valuable person this week - Mejas Doto. Though I will be looking for someone to
replace him, for now all Grant of Arms activity is on hold. What I would rather see is submissions/applications for
the Grant of Arms Reform Committee. At this stage we really need artists or people with vision and the ability to
relay such vision. Trust me, even a Windows Paint sketch is worth a million words. If you are interested and plan to
keep active in the project, send me a note.
I got an FTP program and plugged in all my login info. I'm all set on getting back into the swing of updating
everything. First thing I encountered was that the Java Applet for the E3 countdown clock isn't being recognized at
my work, so I'm looking into using a different one. If you have had problems viewing the countdown clock, let me
I'm also going to put the JO skins back up sometime this week.
All on hold as stated above.
None submitted. Some requested. None created this week, but capability to make them has been restored.
Clan Award Sabers, a special custom lightsaber available to all clan members DJK or above, are in the works. The
details on how to earn them are not yet finalized, and the images of the sabers are not yet complete. Clan Exar Kun
will be the first clan to receive one, and images/details should be available next week.
Got ROTS Covered!
No beating around the bush here... has reported that Random House has posted what is believed to be the final covers for
the Episode III novel, Art Of book, and Making Of book. I could have linked to them all seperately but the folks at
TFN did such a great job of it already.
Comic Relief
And for those of you who'd rather save their imagination, reports that
Dark Horse's comic book adaptation of the film will be released just about the same time as the film. You may recall
I had the original release date countdown set to sometime in March - it was the release of the ROTS comic series I
had on my mind.
The Fries Are Strong With This One
LucasFilm has unveiled a
few toys coming to a store near you this Spring. Aside from an interesting "Wookie Water Blaster" inspired by the
final film, there will also be one oddity known as "Darth Tater" - a Sith Lord version of Mr. Potato Head. See a
better image of the toy here.
Larger Than Life
According to Yahoo Business, popular
MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies has been added to Sony's Station Access subscription plan, which provides the subscriber
with a single account that grants access to each of the SOE published MMO titles the player owns for the low, low
price of $22 USD. I'm not really sure how it works but I'm under the impression that you pay the $22 and can access
any of the games you own without paying any other individual monthly fee. So instead of paying $10-15 per game you
pay $22 to cover them all.
The plan isn't available to anyone outside the US, but seems good for anyone knee-deep in a few of the Sony titles
like SWG, EverQuest and EQ2. Frankly I think you'd be just as well off tossing the cash in the toilet and I know
I'll hear the inevitable "you don't play the game so you don't understand" retort. Save it - I've heard it before,
and I'll only say this... Game: $50 One time only fee. Fast Cable Internet Connection: $30/mo. Not having to pay
anything else to play against or along side other people: Priceless.
I was sad when I got the message from Mejas saying his personal life was taking over, but I was glad that he
recognized he wouldnt have the time and honestly told me he was leaving instead of just not returning e-mails. I
hope he'll come back soon.
Otherwise, well what can I say? Military work sucks, and with orders going slow it isn't helping. The inspector is a
jerk, and our Quality Assurance guy is kissing her butt too much so important stuff isn't shipping out fast enough
while somewhat pointless stuff is being approved far too often. At least in that situation I can pass the blame to
the QA.
BFV is fun but starting to get bored of it again. NWN would be cool I guess but my party's characters are all too
good for all the modules we find. They're always over-qualified... the lvl 40 guys are way too powerful, and even
our lvl 15 guys mash the crap out of each one we play. Suppose we could start new characters - again.
Oh - some other news I suppose: I finally re-installed XWA, so I can compete against people on event days/nights. I
suck, so I'll make for an easy mark for most of you. My question for XWA players is this: What's Disc 2 for? It
never asked me to do anytthing with it.
I'm also reinstalling JO and JA so I have the most options available for Gaming Nights.
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Disc 2 is to continue the SP-portion of the game. I guess all the basics are installed from the first disk (don't remember myself). The second disc just contains more SP missions. Also, for custom battles you need the second disk to play them.
I don't like this "Clan Award Sabers" idea. Reminds me too much of the Alvaak saber. :\
And with good reason - it's exactly what it is. The biggest difference is that it'll be harder to get than the Alvaak saber. You have to be nominated for it or otherwise earn it. Think of it as a lesser GLS, but not G. :)