Hey Graphics designers, the DB needs you! Currently, we're suffering a severe lack of banner graphics that other people can link to our site with. Because of that, I'm putting out a call for banners to be submitted. Basically, I'm looking for an image, between 400 and 500 pixels wide and 40 and 100 pixels high. It should say "The Dark Brotherhood" on it, but anything else is up to you. Keep in mind these banners will be used in large part by other organizations as ways to link to our website. I'll be judging the banners I receive. We'll be awarding crescents in the following manner: Diamond Star (Cr-1D) for first, Ruby Star (Cr-1R) for second, and Amethyst Star (Cr-1A) for third.
Submissions are due by the 17th, and should be sent to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Warlord Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Lord Chamberlain
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I'm at work right now, but remind me of this and I shall provide a few banners later tonight. I would hope you'd think to contact me on matter such as this anyhow, since I'm a graphic artist!
Dark Jedi Master Kaine Archon Mandaala
Herald of the Dark Brotherhood
(medals medals medals) <- Don't remember that part off hand...
"Fear Will Keep Order"
And just so you know it's really me... here's my seal! :)

Ack - that didn't work.. Oh well... just go to:
And you'll see it yourself!