Yu Report, 1/26/2005
Written by MERLANCE
Well, I didnt write a report last week, as I am sure you noticed. That is because my status as First Lord of Yu was in question. There were some factors in Yu that I did not think I was suited to deal with, and thus it was decided that I would step down from First Lord of Yu, and become Rollmaster of Tridens.
Now, that is official. Smoke20 is your new First Lord, and he is to be treated as such. His word is law.
So, it is with some regret that I leave you all, and move on, giving rise to a new leader.
Individual activity.
Over the last two weeks, a lot of medals were issued. Here they are, in strictly numerical form.
MERLANCE: 1 Legion of Scholar, 2 Amethyst Crscents, 1 Sapphire Crescent, 48 CF's, 1 Grand Cross
Yemmer: None
Smoke20: 22 CF's and a Grand Cross
Moridin: None, but he has become active again.
Vardar: None, I think
Shimas: None
Nit'Chu: 3 CF's
Pyralis:1 CF
Thus, two grand crosses were issued, to myself and Smoke20. Grand crosses are the highest of the activty medals, and are very very nifty. It is an honor and a privelege to have them.
Activity was low, overall, but that is partly my fault. Im sure things will improve under the new regime.
Roster has gone serious changes. I found a replacement for Cyrus in Moridin, but Yemmer was removed due to inactivty, Pyralis stepped down after getting QUA, and I was removed because I became Rollmaster. This just means that there is room for new people to come in.
First Lord: Smoke20
Warrior Vardar
Warrior Nit'Chu
Warrior Shimas
Warrior Moridin
Windos will soon join Yu, but he is not a member yet.
Second Hand will be decided soon.
Yu Challenges:
I am still working away on my quest for 100 wins. 8 days and 27 victories to go. I paced myself so that it would be about 25 wins per week, and Im right on Target. I will try to mop up by Saturday.
Krath Rite of Supremacy is still goign on. Participate if you dare.
And there's always a ton of competitions on the competitions page (though many are restricted in who may participate) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp
A lot of things have changed, in Yu. You have a new first Lord, the roster has been cleaned up, and a new era of gaming and fun is about to begin.
So, this is goodbye for now Yu. I'll still be on IRC and stuff... but I am watching you closesly (I do all the activity reports)
Note for Lord of Yu: I believe we will all miss Merlance dearly, but with a new dawn of time, we shall get back to where this all started from. Id like to take a second to thank Merlance for his hard work and dedication to Yu and you will do fine with the new position.
As for Yu, If anyone needs anything or just wants to chat about whatever feel free to hit me up. We will begin a new comp sometime in the very begining of Feb. so watch out for that, it will be of course gaming. The current writing comp for Yu is lengthened out 2 more weeks. The 2nd hand position will be though over sometime in the future and I will open it up to applications for the entire Yu circle. I also would like to say that Yemmer still has a chance to get back on the roster but she will need to come see me directly. If you here from her please send her my way, she was here in the circle when it was started and to me that carriers some weight. Were are down but not out, Id like to see activity rise up within the circle, and do us all proud. I will shortly put out a Guideline list for all Yu members. Nothing harsh about it, but rather enforces the previous guidelines set in stone back when Yu was formed. Like I said if you need to chat or have something to discuss or rant about please email me or poke me on IRC. bows
Lord of Yu Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
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