DB Mission Design


DB Mission Design

As some of you may have guessed I have appointed Darkonian as the person in charge of getting missions tested, corrected and approved.

From now on please remember to CC. him on anything mission related, he is the former CA : TAC so has alot of skills to bring to this post so please help him all you can.

We are also still taking applications for testers and fixers please read my previous news post

His Fishness
SBL Predator
Sith High Warrior of the Dark Brotherhood

This goes for JK and JK2 missions as well?

ATM we got only one experienced with working jk1 AND our numbers are not so big.
So we will be working as follows:
Mission testing and correction prior release for the flying platforms (my domain of work anyway).
For jk1 and JO we can provide help to the designers by playing beta testers and report on encountered bugs so they would clean them and have a us final check of it before release.

If you meant you want to join as tester/corrector for jk1 or jo then you are of course welcome.

That sounds good. I'll see what I can get done so you guys have some work to do :P

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