Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Naga Sadow Report#49

Friday the 4th of February 2005


As you could see in last weeks PCON report the next Proconsul will be Dark Adept Xanos Zorrixor, he's former Diamond CMDR, HLK AED, HLK QUA, CNS PCON, CNS CON and SHW so I hope he knows how to do the job. :Þ

Go to stuff for the KRoS! 3 hours left of chapter 2 at the moment!!!

We have new message boards, you can find them at The old ones will stay in use until after the KRoS and will be kept for archives.

Speaking of the Krath Rite of Supremacy we're currently in chapter 2 go to for info. Go participate!


None this week.


Lenzar got a SC for winning the Sunday Tournament.

I got a Legion of the Scholar!

News from the houses

Ludo Kressh:

Marka Ragnos:


Well I've played quite a lot of SWG, and I just got Jump to Lightspeed for it so I finally got into a cockpit again, had to clear several layers of dust from my joystick tho. More importantly, I did some gfx for the Krath Rite of Supremacy and So should you! I've even attached it so you can pass out while seeing how brilliant I am.


As you might have noticed, We need to participate in the KRoS, currently we're in second place but if everyone takes part we have a chance of beating Taldryan, and who doesn't want to beat Taldryan?

If you have any questions just send me a mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], or find me on IRC in #naga_sadow where I usually go by the name `Malik, pretty simple right?

SO Malik Sadow (Sith)/CON-EP/Clan Naga Sadow [ACC: INI]



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