Dinaari Aedile Report
We're on to chapter 3 of the Krath RoS...looks like the same stuff as before except with different topics. Whip out a Paint gfx entry, a poem or story sometime in the next two weeks or so. In other news I managed to nuke my harddrive on Sunday and I probably lost a few emails. On the bright side all the "important stuff" was on a different drive. If anyone's doing TT articles, they're due tomorrow (Sunday). Look for Issue two sometime soonish. Oh, and if you haven't already, go check out the shiny MBs. People are actually using them, and there's some funny avatars floating around.
Competition Site:
Krathy RoS (Chapter 3) - http://www.krath.org/RoS.php
Hit List:
(On hold - check out the RoS)
(On hold - check out the RoS)
(Weekly Multiplayer Things)
1v1 Night - Tuesdays in #GMRG
Team (2v2 or more) Night - Thursday in #GMRG
"The ICTE" - Saturday in #outerrim
Bi-Weekly MP Tournament - Every second Sunday in #GMRG
Crucious joined
Demos joined
Forseen joined
Malic joined
Kraval Novir joined
Trazar Gious joined
Marik joined
Waza left
Awards, etc.
Maneroth - Promo to NOV
Ciroth - Promo to ACO
Fire-Knight - SC
Duga - 3 CFs
Swipes - DC
Ziggy - LS
Sharad - LS
That is a lot of people joining.
OP Benevolent Taldrya Whiner (Obelisk)/AED/Dinaari of Taldryan
GC / (SC-SoP) / (StA-WG) / DC-KC-O / (SNB) / (BN) / Cr-2R-5A-9S-6E-2T / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF / (LSS) / SoL / S:-23M
{SA: U:TL - U:TSC - G:LS - G:IRC - IRC2 - G:PHP1 - O:CORE}
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