_Kirleta Quaestors Report
Report ID: WH 12
Quaestor: SW Warhunter Arawn Entar_
Greetings Kirletans!
Sorry to all those that have been waiting for this report, as some of you know I just got out of the hospital yesterday and since ive been trying to catch up on what ive missed.
As for why I was in the hospital for those that don't know, this past weekend I had a broomball tournment and in my last game our team ended up playing with only 7 members. This was due to a number of things that happen (they were arrested or benched for bad behaviour) but it ended up I played the entire game straight. Well, with constant running I was doing with the game I was sweating alot and had no water intake. All weekend I had been drinking beer and pop and never drank any water or juice so all this and the fact I hadn't ate anything that day (since i never eat before a big game) my body was using up too much energy and wasn't receiving any to fill the void and I ended up passing out on the ice. I was taken to hospital for the rest of the weekend and was told i passed out due to dehydration. So my report is late due to the stupidity of myself. :p sry about this. note to self- beer fun, but dangerous.
News for this Week:
-3 more indivduals to be the core of the new Elite Battleteam, we have 1 already plus a BT leader
-Everyone's participation in the KRoS
-Graphic Designers for a new revamp of Kirleta site and BT sites, plz speak to me. And remember you will be rewarded for your efforts. (HINT, easy way to get medals and activity points)
-Chapter Three continues for the KRoS!
-CoFo, the MAA, has resigned. Its ashame to see him go, but his kid is quite cute.
-New Commander of Guard appointed
-Grand Master Report Released
-New SI request form created, lookin in your admir page.
-HRD, SHW, KHP and Combat Master reports released!
-All ACC INTs asked to either challenge for their Qualifying round or be removed.
-Chapter Three continues for KRoS. YOu have till the 18th!
-Xhedias removed from QUA position and goes to CNS. Comp in development related to this.
-Khamier and Vessicant made it to Semi-Finals for RoS! However, neither made it to finals but they will still be rewarded for their efforts!
-Callus New Aleema QUA!
House Kirleta:
-Khamier steps down from Aedile Position.
-New Aedile Selected! Waiting for Approval.
-AWOL check still going! Once completed BTs will be reorganized to make room for the new Elite BT.
-Anikal selected as Battleteam Leader of new Elite Battleteam. Congrats! Khamier newest member! Congrats
-SW Warhunter Arawn Entar is no longer in hospital. YAY! hopefully he learns from his stupidity.
-Ashura promoted to Novice, and recently promoted to Acolyte! Congrats!
-Cluster of Fire x2 to DeVill
-Cluster of Fire to Ashura
-Ashura completes Sith Core and IRC exams.
-Welcome to Tol'Xarok!
House Reports:
Aedile's: N/A-
Eternal Plague: GRD XenCulo Harzito- IN
Last Week's Goal list
-Revamp Report's look*(this is completed, just didn't have time today to present the new look)*
-Email all members under DJK on what is required for their next promotion*(sadly due to the AED's resignment I was unable to do this as I was trying to review our standings and evaluate a new AED for ehire)*
-Revamp Kirleta site to meet the new requirements of an Elite Battleteam*(To be completed on Feb 25th)*
-Compete in the KRoS fiction, webhunt, graphic, and fic/poetry events*(fiction and fic/poem written and need to be submitted. graphic and webhunt to be completed this week)*
-Create recruitment guidelines/tips for CSK members*(completed, needs to be approved by clan summit. I hope to have this upload with the new kirleta site.)*
-Create entries for CSK newsletter*(not done)*
-Meet with Khamier, Xen'Culo, and Anikal to discuss and plan next stages of Operation Dragoon*(N/A due to AED's resignation. meetings will be set up after appointment of next AED)*
Revised To-Do list for this week
-Email Members under DJK to inform them of the requirements for next promotion
-Complete Kirleta site by Feb 25th
-Complete Graphic and Webhunt entries
-Create Entries for CSK newsletter
*-Have new Aedile Approved
*-Email reminders to house members about AWOL check and survey
*-Find out requirements for entrance into GMRG
*-Avoid being killed by G/f during V-day
The Sith Battle Compendium:
The Clan MB:
The advancement guide:
The Brotherhood Order of Battle:
ACC webpage:
Well, thats its for this week. You all know who to call if you have questions or concerns. Have good week guys!
*House Roster: 21 Members *
PIN Rank Name Email 171 Overlord Gord Darkonian [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
1316 Warlord Vessicant [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
441 Prelate Arso Slyth [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4024 Warrior Warhunter Arawn Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
1028 Dark Jedi Knight Cyrax Lionheart [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
3674 Dark Jedi Knight Pug Milamber Titanos [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4082 Jedi Hunter Khamier Sarin [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
2735 Guardian Luke Morin [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
3783 Guardian Xen' Culo Harzirto [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4004 Guardian DeViL [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4054 Guardian Anikal [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4184 Protector Isaiah Demonicus [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4782 Acolyte Ashura [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4570 Novice J [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4654 Novice Warik Tarth [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4676 Apprentice Sindurr Kain [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4718 Apprentice Hellion [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4732 Apprentice amanomz [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4750 Apprentice Seregyth [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4772 Apprentice Foamy [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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