Taldryan Consul Report 2-14-05 Report # 92
I successfully survived my week of hell last week, so Im in the clear for a bit now. Which means I can work on some DB stuff and catch up in my other classes (oh fun!). Report number 92 this week, 8 more weeks until 100, w00t!!!
Clan Taldryan News
-I am going to start writing my State of the Clan address tonight, so it should be released sometime in the next few days. It will be filled with yummy information and some important new announcements, so be sure to read it!
-The Krath RoS ends this Friday, so get all those submissions in! I have a feeling our placement for the run-on wont be very good, so well have to make up with that by beating everyone else with participation, so be sure to do that!
-Time for me to announce two new members of the Cohors Praetoria! Serving the next two weeks at my bodyguards will be Tiberius and Kraval! Tiberius did very well in the graphics event for Chapter 2, and Kraval has a new found love of JO and has been gaming with us recently, congratulations to you both!
-House Ektrosis finally got a new website this week! You can see it here: www.ektrosis.taldryan.org. Big thanks to Pyralis from Tarentum for the layout and to Ben for coding it and getting it ready so fast!
-The Tal Times was released this week too, and its really funny! So I suggest you read it if you havent already, you can see it here: http://www.taldryan.org/taltimes/2/index.html
-Im finally starting to get into MPing again (after my major GJW burnout), so if you are on IRC and want to play for an MP night (or just for fun, I <3 CTF!) let me know!
-Dinaari has a new promotion guide for the first few ranks, so check that out on the Dinaari website (http://dinaari.taldryan.org/news.php).
-This week there isnt report trivia, Im going to try to do online Tal Trivia on Thursday in #taldryan at 9pm EST, be there!
-Remember to check the Competitions section of the Taldryan website for things to keep you active (http://www.taldryan.org/competitions.php)
DB News
-Jasru has been named the new Commander of the Guard! Also there have been changes (from last week) in the structure of the Grand Masters Royal Guard. Here is a quick summery: Now it is called the Royal Guard, and basically each DC member picks 3-4 people to be their personal bodyguards, and they can compete in competitions and stuff for their DC member.
-KHP Alanna was awarded a Ruby Scepter, yay lannie!!
-Last week the Dark Voice (newsletter, again I will mention how it is not as cool as the Tal Times) was released, you can see it here:
-The ACC compendium was updated, so you should check out the changes if you are planning on ACCing anytime soon.
-LucasArts has announced the creation of a new Star Wars computer game; you can check it out here: http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swempireatwar/
-The KMTs (monthly fiction topics) for February are Coruscant walkways and It's a hard life being a.... See the KHPs report for more details.
-Be sure to visit http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp for all the news.
Medals, Promotions, and Transfers
Dark Sabre Scroll of Indoctrination
Kraval Legion of the Scholar
Vodo Scroll of Indoctrination
Chaosrain Clusters of Fire
Nexusmage Clusters of Fire
Duga Clusters of Fire
Benevolent Scroll of Indoctrination
Bubbles Topaz Crescent
Tiberius Quartz Crescent
GRD Fire Knight to JH
APP Trazar to NOV
APP Tardek to Dinaari
KP Kuat to Ektrosis
APP Cardathius to Dinaari
APP Dracmus to Dinaari
OT Dakhar to Dinaari
No email trivia this week, but IRC trivia in #taldryan on Thursday at 9pm EST
If you dont have IRC read the next section!!
READ THIS if you dont have IRC!!!
This new section of my report is dedicated to providing information about IRC (internet relay chat). If I had to name one thing that makes a successful Taldryan member, I would say IRC useage. It is required for all of the Clans leaders, and all of our most active members can be found there. I have found out that many members read my reports, and some of them dont use IRC, and I am hoping I can change this.
Here are some quick things about IRC:
-It is a free download (it says you have to register it within 30 days, but you never have to)
-Its VERY simple to use
-All the most active people are on it
-There are almost always people around
-Some competitions are only available on IRC
-You get to know people much better
-You get more of the Taldryan team feeling if you are on it
-Being active on IRC can be a reason to get medals/promotions
-Our clan channels get a little crazy sometimes, and its fun!
-You can message individuals like AIM, and talk in chatrooms (multiple rooms at the same time)
How can I get IRC? For Windows users the most popular IRC program is mIRC, which you install on your computer and use just as you would an instant messenger. mIRC is only a free trial, but you may use it as long as you want without penalty (other than a few annoying messages telling you to register). You can find mIRC here:
If you can't install stuff on your computer or you're constantly switching computers in a lab, you can also use the DB IRC, which is a java applet (to be used through your browser) allowing you to talk in only one channel or room at a time. DB IRC can be found here:
IRC is very popular and therefore has many servers and channels. This makes it hard to find what you want unless you know what you're doing. Therefore make sure to use the following settings when starting up IRC:
Network: Undernet
Brotherhood Channel: #db
Clan Channel: #taldryan
Have IRC but confused on how to get things going? Well you are in luck, the Shadow Academy has several IRC courses, and the first one is very helpful and for new users. Just go to the SA (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/index.html) and then click on General Studies, and then the IRC Basics course. It will guide you through how to use IRC. If youre still having trouble or dont like how the SA course is laid out, you can read the IRC guide written by QUA Shadow (http://dinaari.taldryan.org/irc_guide.php). It has images of the menus and everything, and is very helpful!
I hope to see a lot of you on IRC!
-If you ever need to see an old Consul report, all of mine are up on djb.org!
Thats all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC as Im logged on quite often as Kir
! Or talk to me on AIM, my screen-name is ConsulKir!
Multiplayer Competitions-
Tuesday 1v1 Night
Multiplayer gaming night that will be held all day Tuesday in #gmrg. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Tuesdays are "solo" nights; meaning only 1 vs. 1 games will be played. Signup bots will not be used; you have to find matches by chatting in #gmrg or messaging people on IRC. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses. In addition anyone who has 5 wins will get a Dark Cross, and anyone with 15 wins will get a Star of Antei.
Thursday Team Night
Multiplayer gaming night that will be all day Thursday in #gmrg. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Thursdays are "team" nights, meaning matches can only be played with at least teams of 2 vs. 2. Signup bots will not be used; you have to find matches by chatting in #gmrg or messaging people on IRC. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses. In addition anyone who has 5 wins will get a Dark Cross, and anyone with 15 wins will get a Star of Antei.
Interclub Training Event
Multiplayer gaming night that will be held every Saturday evening in #outerrim. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Players come from DB and allied online gaming groups. Signup bots will be used, so use the !signup command on IRC to get matches in #outerrim. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses.
Biweekly Sunday Tournament
Those people who participate in at least one match in the above listed weekly multiplayer competitions will be invited to play every other week in a Tournament on Sunday. There isnt any specific structure, you just play as many matches as you would like and the person with the most wins during the day wins the Tournament. Everyone gets points for wins that they can use to buy personal possessions, and the total of all the points Taldryan members earn the Clan also earns as a whole to buy cool Clan stuff!
_Important Links _
Dark Brotherhood http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
Clan Taldryan - http://www.taldryan.org
Taldryan Codex - http://www.taldryan.org/tal_codex/
Antei Combat Center http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
Message Boards - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php
Shadow Academy - http://sa.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Side Compendium - http://dsc.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Competitions Page - http://www.taldryan.org/competitions.php
Summit Members
CON Kir Taldrya Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari QUA Shadow Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari AED Benevolent Whiner ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis QUA Dark Sabre ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis AED Nexusmage ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Clan Mailing lists -
Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
These email addresses send messages to everyone in the Clan or House they are addressed to.
Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server
IP Address:
Password: Talpwnz
Cohors Praetoria Taldryan Tiberius and Kraval
In Darkness,
Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn
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