Dreaded Yu Report
by: Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
Lord of Yu: Dark Jedi Knight Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir(Active)
Second hand: Jedi Hunter Nit'Chu Tetsuo(Semi-active)
Dark Jedi Knight Merlance(Semi-active)
Guardian Vardar(Active)
Acolyte Tavin Longspear(Inactive)
1.Yu writing comp: Vardar, Nit'Chu, Pyralis, and Ma'ar all have submitted for it.Thank you for participating.
Krath RoS: Still going on Friday is the last day
Activity: Down -3.33% from a week ago, 4 of 5 were active. Lets try and make the next one an even better number (80.00%) even though its good, Im happy for this so please keep it up!!!
Jedi Hunter Shimas: Has decided to leave the circle. I hate to see him go, but other commitments are keeping him from being an active member.
Sunday's Tournment: Only one member is not qualified.
Dark Jedi Knight Blazer Mortis: Will be added to the Circle of Yu, his activity and gaming skills are outstanding, so congrats to him.
Clan Trivia: Congrats to Vardar for placing First! Well Rekio has asked that I no longer make the questions, but rather get others to help out. So I ask that someone to give me a helping hand here, I'd like 25 questions with iron clad answers before March 1st, you will be given an Lss for submitting them. Thanks!
Yu -vs- Tarentum: Will be back soon, I felt that it was such a good thing last time and activity was outstanding for it and Merlances idea should not be thrown away.
Grade my performance: Here is your chance to let your feelings be known, I've asked that all of Yu grade my leadership, please send it off to Pyralis if you haven't done so already. I will not see any of your comments, so speak your mind.
Competitions: I'd like for each member to give me one idea for a future comp to be run for Yu, please submit medals, platforms, and length, I will allow each one as long as its workable. You also will host this and grade it. It doesn't matter if its fiction, graphics, motto for Yu, or gaming.
Contact info for Yu: There will always come a time when someone goes inactive or what not, I'd like to ask each member that I don't already have on MSN and Yahoo messenger, to please email me your contact information. Thanks
Yu website: For those of you that may not know, I had gotten a webpage for our small group, I'm still working on this from time to time, and will hopefully have this done sometime in the near future, I've found that HTML, ASP, and PHP isn't easy I've got some people helping me out and between there work schedules and mine the process is going slower than I had hoped for.
Gaming: Overall, for Yu we each do our parts and it seems as everyone has gotten alot better, but anytime you feel like playing and I'm not busy feel free to ask. Also even if its practice, don't forget to email Merlance and let him know the scores, it will reflect on your activity for the house of Tridens.
JA and JO skins: I'd like to ask if anyone can do this I'm in need of a custom skin for myself, If anyone can help out it will be rewarded, hit me up on MSN , Yahoo, or IRC.
DJB Comp's: February's MT's are out, if you want to try your hand at them go for it! Due Feb. 28th
Recruiting into Yu: I've got my eye on a few people within Tridens and will keep a close eye on there activity, If for some reason you may know of anyone that has a good activity track record, feel free to approach myself or Nit'Chu about them..
17.Yu Weekly Assignment: None this week. Take a break and kick back, drinks are on me, just keep the gaming and activity up and we will do fine.
18.Leave of Absence: I will be taking a small leave, as in not being around as much as I would like, My brother-in-law had his house go up in a small blaze, they were unhurt, but there is massive damage to the upstairs, I was volunteered to help with the drywall and what not to get them back in there house, Im not sure when this will start, but Nit`Chu will be the acting leader of the battle team, till I can fully come back. It shouldnt take more than a week or two, so he will be the go to guy. But I will email all of you to let you know the status a day or two before, and this will also depend on his insurance carrier if they will allow me and him to do the drywall.
As of 2/12/05
Nit'Chu: Yu writing comp.
Merlance: Scroll of Indoctrination, 10 cluster of fires, Activity report, 1 match for ICTE.
Vardar: Yu writing comp, KROS, 3 cluster of fires, 1 match for Sunday Tourney, 6 matches for Tuesday, 3 matches for Thursday, 2 matches for ICTE.
Tavin: 2 cluster of fires for backed up events.
Ma'ar: Yu writing comp, Yu report, SA:Krath-Poetry, Qualified for Acc, compiled gaming stats for RM, 11 matches for Sunday Tourney, 11 matches for Tuesday, 5 matches for Thursday, 8 ptactice matches with Mortis on Friday, 5 matches for ICTE, 10 cluster of fires, Message board activity.
As your leader, I strive to better myself to effectively lead you. At times I may seem stubborn, and bull headed, and I try to work on that, but thats my nature, I understand that everyone has a life, whether it maybe school, friends, or family. But we all need to understand our leader's expectations and that to be in Yu is more an honor with a close knit friendship. I've seen once inactive members go and work harder than they ever did, and once active members slip and go inactive, and it pains me to see them fall, and I try to help and it seems nothing does.
The group has grown in the last few months, even before my time as Lord it functioned well, but you all do a good job and are kept highly in my book, at times I may not say Thanks, But please understand that you all do a good job, and we all do slack from time to time, I even do to, stress gets high on everyones shoulders, At times I may take this position way to seriously and get a tad bit overboard, but I do have to sit back and realize that you may not rival my activity and maybe dont want to, but I am guilty of holding some of you to that high standard. For that I am sorry, this small group has been doing outstandingly here in the last few weeks and I do appreciate all your efforts and very hard work, Ive never enjoyed cutting people and I dont take pleasure in it, I do believe everyone deserves a second chance, no matter ho badly they may mess up. But I know some of you may not like strict guidelines and nor do I, it does take the fun out of it, so please remember there comes a time when I do have to be serious and there is times that I do joke around and try to have some fun. But I was entrusted to make this battle team strive to be great, and I go overboard at times. But it does seem as it has gotten better, I dont want credit for this nor will it be given to me, you Circle of Yu deserve it! I just want to say THANKS, and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
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