_Kirleta QuaestorÂ’s Report
Report ID: WH 15
Quaestor: SW Warhunter Arawn Entar_
Greetings Kirletans!
Well, I've taken a break from working on our House website. It's coming along nicely now that i've fixed some of the bugs that had linebreaks every where :p. Expect an email within the next 2 days informing you of the new site and where it's located.
Just wanted to take the time to once again send my congrats to DJK Pug on receiving the position of Aedile. Since this guy has been placed hes been nothing but pest :P (i mean that in a good way). He's constantly been pushing me to get everything out that needs to be so we both don't get yelled at by Selket. :P So thanks Pug! Your a great addition to the summit team. Just remember; let anyone near the summit's supply of scotch and whiskey and you'll be the next one I have the entire clan of Satal Keto hunt. :P heh.
Also, I should point out that since Pug's report and my report today we've had an extremely large amount of bodies suddenly disappear from the Kirleta ranks.
/me kicks a leg back under carpet
Let this be the final warning; Kirleta will not be a breeding-ground for disease. And when I say disease, I refer to the disease of inactivity. I understand if RL issues hold you back from participating in events and from maintaining regular contact with myself but as members you have a duty to let me know what resistions you have on your time. Unless i know I can't do anything about it, so I ask if you are busy with school or other RL stuff let me know or simply put; get out. I will not have dead-weight sit upon our ranks.
News for this Week:
-3 more indivduals to be the core of the new Elite Battleteam, we have 1 already plus a BT leader
-A Sith member to lead the reopened Sith Squadron
-GM Emergency LOA, Our prayers are with you Jac.
-ACC Championship Ladder: Update Extension
-KRoS rewards released!
-CoG on LOA
-KILL THE BETRAYER! Thats right, a new comp has started that allows you to finally kill that fuzzy ewok Xhedias. Take your hatred and rage and use them as your weapons my brethran
-Still waiting for the clan website to be fixed.
House Kirleta:
-AWOL Check Completed. Nine Members removed.
-Quaestor Report changed. New Template for next week, this week just a preview of new information included.
-Kirleta Site out in 2 days.
-Midnight Blade temporarily closed until the 5 core members are selected. Current Number selected: 2
-Still looking for that Sith Commander...if your interested email myself and Pug.
-Three New members. Welcome Cage, Crista, and Josna Ralyn!
-Big Props to Kith Staken on his promotion to Acoyle.
-Congrats to our new Novice, Crista!
Observed Activity
-Kith Staken participates in Tuesday MP Night
-Ashura participates in Tuesday MP Night
-Vessicant continues to participate in the LH's RPG beta challenge
-Khamier fights KAP Nekura in the Combat hall of the ACC
-Pug fights Xhedias in the Combat hall of the ACC
-Warhunter fights Xhedias in the Combat hall of the ACC
-Vessicant trains INTs in the Training hall of the ACC, remember was have 2 trainers/operators in CSK now. USE 'EM!
-Kith Staken passes the Obelisk Core exam
-Kith Staken passes the IRC exam
-Anikal passes the HTML Basics exam
Remember to CC myself for everything you do so I can keep track of your activity. If i know what your doing then its easier for me to promote you. "Help me, help you." ;p i hate that phase but its true here. Also, if I miss anything from this week LET ME KNOW.
House Reports:
Aedile's: DJK Pug- IN
Eternal Plague: GRD XenÂ’Culo Harzito- LoA
Midnight Blade: Temporarily Closed
Delphian Squadron: Need Sith Commander-N/A
To-Do List
Once again this is scrapped for the week. I have too much to do to place it all on here and some of it is not of interest to you all so I would waste your time this week :p.
The Sith Battle Compendium:
The Clan MB:
The advancement guide:
The Brotherhood Order of Battle:
ACC webpage:
*House Roster: 18 Members *
PIN Rank Name
1316 Warlord Vessicant
441 Prelate Arso Slyth
4024 Warrior Warhunter Arawn Entar
1028 Dark Jedi Knight Cyrax Lionheart
3674 Dark Jedi Knight Pug Milamber Titanos
3783 Jedi Hunter Xen' Culo Harzirto
4082 Jedi Hunter Khamier Sarin
4004 Guardian DeViL
4054 Guardian Anikal
4782 Acolyte Ashura
4895 Acolyte Kith Staken
4570 Novice J
4824 Novice brutus
4842 Novice Tol'Xarok
4915 Novice Crista
4718 Apprentice Hellion
4903 Apprentice Cage
4921 Apprentice JOSNA RALYN
SW Warhunter Arawn Entar (Sith)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto [ACC: SDR]
StA-QL / DC-KC / (BN) / Cr-1R-3S-2E-4T / CF-BlF-RF / SoL / S:-20M
{SA: U:TL - U:TW - U:TA - G:LS - G:CM - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:HTML1 - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC}
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