Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Allright report number 2 guys. Nothing much really to report. Not Much went on. Monthly topics are in and im not appecting anymore people up to this point, because i have somebody in mind allready. If it doesnt go thru then im opening it back up.

Promo's: Nada



Transfers: Nope


March MTs:



Hunt for the Betrayer


Personal Thoughts

Yes its part of my reports. Theres really not much to say but ya, that we might not have an opening for team, if we do, then it will be in my next report, but until then....Stay Active and fight on

Team Roster is as follows:

Krath Tetrarch Doku

Krath Tyro Jeax Zirv

Krath Tyro Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramiez

Krath Tyro Suaron

Krath Tyro Vervain Makenin

Krath Tyro Knuph Roede

Krath Tyro Kyln Nadine

Krath Tyro Dav Flamerock

Krath Tyro Shadoweye333

Krath Tyro Gilraen Animus Entar

Krath Tyro Bovi Khan

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