Herald Report


Herald Report

  • Site Reconstruction

    Nothing new to report, but some new stuff is coming.

  • Grant Of Arms Requests

<FONT COLOR="#FF0000"Don't request them. They will be ignored.

  • Custom Lightsabers

    A few passed my way this week. Working on posting them.

Six Degrees of...

TheForce.Net is showcasing the six covers that will appear on Entertainment Weekly to celebrate

Episode III. The images actually span the entire saga.

No spoilers - for all you who are trying to avoid them.

Pepsi Has Its Revenge

Aside from the slew of other stuff Pepsi will be shoving at us this summer, there will be yet another contest

surrounding the next Star Wars film that requires you to purchase mass amounts of Pepsi products. This time Yoda's

going to be calling you - literally. You get the code and punch it in to the website, then if it's a winner he'll

call or text message you to tell you your prize. Losers get to hear from Vader, 3P0 or R2. See more info about it


Clone Wars DVD

I've just spent the past hour going through everything on the DVD, so this is my general review/first impression. I

did not watch these as they aired because I refused to be a slave to Cartoon Network's programming.

The Main Feature: What a great action piece. All the way through, every sequence was jam-packed with action

and a hint of drama. It was very well animated - of course - and everything seemed like a great addition to the

Star Wars saga.

Special Features: It seems the featurettes could have been combined into one really good long one instead of

two somewhat short mediocre pieces. The stills gallery has behind-the-scenes sketches and some official promo art,

but it all seems a little thin. The EIII teaser trailer is on there, as is the RC trailer (which, now having played

through RC, I picked up on things like part of the end level and a flashlight feature they got rid of). Alson on

there is the XBOX demo for RC, but since I don't have an XBOX or need to play the demo that's kind of


Oh yeah - I also got ahold of EII since it was "rereleased" with Clone Wars.

Celebration III Reminder

Four more weeks til Celebration III. Registration cut off is April 1st - which is in a few days. Several DJBers are

going to attend! Check here on the Forums for a [Celebration III thread](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?

showtopic=294) started by Telona.

There's only one thing to tell about my personal life this week...

Zelda is getting a sister.

Her name will be Ivy.

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