Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Good evening to everyone,

Well well, already another week done. If you are Christian, or live in a christian country, you know that it's Easter this week-end. I hope you guys (and girls) are having fun?

26 March 2005.

DB News

Nothing too big happened this week in the DB.

The roster for the XWA/XvT Bracket tournament is out. Godo Nurok, Drax Remlinger and myself are the proud warriors sent to get the new TIE Defenders for our Clan! Good luck to us! :D

Clans News

The Clan's report is going out soon. Make sure to read it!

House News

A great load of activity has been seen in the House this week. I'm glad to see we are alive!

ACO Gaidal has passed the Obelisk Core, the Krath run-on and the Test of Wisdom courses. For this great work, ACO Gaidal has been promoted to the rank of Protector!

For his successful activities, ACO Gilgamesh has been protected to the rank of Protector too!

DJK Drax Remlinger is currently involved in the DBPA for Star Wars Galaxies. Yes, for those who play this game, the Dark Brotherhood has a Player association in the Scylla server, if my memory is correct. (Please correct me if I'm not). DJK Drax Remlinger has been selected to be the new Envoy of our House too! This means that he will make sure the recruits are welcomed in our House, and he will also recruit people to our organization, specially for our Clan!

Sith Warrior Godo Nurok is working on a mission design for XWA and XvT. The mission campaign will support new vocals. What does that mean? Well, if you want to fly his XWA battle, you might hear my voice when I give you orders! That's great no?

Godo needs volunteers for vocals. Email him at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and he will let you know what you have to do!

DJK Morrigan is still on a LoA, as you might have noticed by her email this week.

Three new APP this week, APP Rimky, APP Virulence and ACO Xanatos_Centi. Welcome in House Ziost!

On a sad note, Tora Ragnos left the DB. Maybe we will see you again!

Real life news

I have been offered a new job this week. I might work for the federal government this summer, in the Human Resources minister. I hope I will get the job in the event I don't get the other! (Armour officer in the Canadian Armed Forces)

That's all you need to know for my real life for now. By the way, if you want to let us know about something you want to tell us (You're getting married, you have a new child, a new car, etc), email me and I will post it next week!

The End

I got a lot of submissions for the Motto competition. The new motto will be announced in the next email!

Don't forget to get on IRC, if you want to meet me and other members!


UNdernet network.

Any servers.

#exarkun and/or #db channels.

SWL Numaril AsfÄgeln

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