Ive been super busy as of late. Poor busy me :(
Yup my days here are numbered so I figured Id start reflecting on all thats happened since I became PCON. It was quite a surprise when I was placed in this position. Whether you know it or not but I was slated to run Tridens along with Pyralis. So yeah it was a shock to find myself in a different position. I wasnt prepared for it at all and I kinda think the clan suffered a bit because of this. The biggest thing Rekio and I did right off the bat was making the clan multi-ordered. Im the one who decided who would go where, with the approval of the remaining summit members of course. Some days I think it was a bad move to go multi-ordered and some days I think it was the best thing to do. More thoughts to come next week.
Simple Reminders
Get active! The only way you are going to grab that promotion is to get your butt moving. There are loads of competitions out there. If you are still unsure what to do the contact your house summit and theyll be more than happy to give you direction.
Clan Gossip
Weeeee! The bracket is in full swing and the first round should be done by now. Smoke kicked my tail in XWA but I did give him somewhat of a challenge. It was fun nonetheless and makes me wonder why more people dont get out there and play. Oh yeah heh time constraints.
Have you always wanted to beat down your PCON and soon to be KHP? Dont know exactly how to go about doing so? Well your time has come! All next month everyone will have the opportunity to beat on me in XvT/XWA/JK/JO/JA (no more BF server so no more BF unless you suggest a server). All you got to do is email me with the game of your choice, what day you want to play, and what time you want to play. Well go five minutes in the TIEs, to 5 wins with the sabers, or one battle in BF with the winner having the best deaths to kills ratio. If you make these challenges for one of the gaming days then youll stand a good chance of getting a CF as well as bragging rights. What fun!!
Dont have those games or a sucky connection? No worries! Ill accept challenges through the ACC as well. Since Im a trainer even the Initiates can challenge me. So no one is left in the dark! All may come and beat me into the ground. That is, if you guys are up to it. :)
If you submitted to the March MT A Jedis Journey please do resend those to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Aragorn had some computer problems and needs those entries resent to him. Thanks guys!
Some nice little competitions for those of you who just need something to do. ;)
Gladius events
House Champion
Design Gladius Base-
Triden events
Yus Trainning battle-
Clan events
Got some trivia floating around but its not in the competitions center so no link. Just
watch your emails. If you want to submit some questions of your own please do send
those in for a nice LSS.
Third Sith War SP Revisited
DB events
Gaming nights are Tuesday, Thursday, and tournament on Sunday. In #GMRG
ICTE is always on Saturday. In #Outerrim No links for these two, sorry.
The Greatest Warrior of all Times
How to Survive April Fools Day! -
April MT: The End -
April MT: New Beginnings
Important Links
DB main page - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
SA main page- http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/index.html
Message Board- http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/
Antei Combat Center- http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/halls.asp
Tridents Website- http://tridens.darkjedibrotherhood.com/index.html
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