Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Report time.

[DB News]

-The Tournament rules have been updated.

-A new Shadow Academy course, Leadership Applications, has been released.

-The XvT/XWA tournament continues.

-The Revenge of the Sith book has been released in the US and is scheduled for a release on the 7th in the UK.

-The first Round of the ACC Championship ladder has been judged and the second one has begun.

-Star Wars Battlefront 2 is set to be released in November.

-The DB's JA, Allegiance and Battlefront servers were shut down and only the first has a new one. The IP is with a password of "DJB".

-A RG competition is being run for those of you in it.

-There was recently a "joke" from a couple of the members which was a Light Jedi renovation the site. Fortunately the painful color scheme has been removed.

[Ektrosis/Taldryan News]

-Well I'm back. Unfortunately, my old computer is pretty much destroyed and I can't game anymore. Sucks, eh?

-The AWOL Check continues and ends on Tuesday. I still have not heard from several of you, those being:

Raistline Majere


Apoc i-Sa'onserei ui'Ifrionn


Morgan Delano

Dalk Darklighter


Atton Har

Jeso Kataran


If you're on this list and I don't get an e-mail from you by that time saying you're active, you will be removed from Ektrosis.


No transfers this week.

[Shadow Academy]

Leadership Applications passed by Vodo Biask and Bubbles.


Atton Har to Acolyte.


Chaosrain - Cr-S, Cr-E, DC, CF(x6)

Tiberius - Cr-S, Cr-E

NexusMage - CF(x19)

DarkSabre - CF(x42), SC


-The MTs. (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=R:7158)

-The Haiku competition (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=803) The topic is "Anger" and ends tomorrow.

-The Multiplayer Gaming nights continue. Details on the Taldryan site


-The Greatest Warrior of All Times... This month is DGM Mav!


-A Competition for Lannie


-Bubbles's random word story! (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=815)


Eh. Respond to the AWOL check, the Rogues is a horrible place to be. :P

-QUA Dark Sabre

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