Herald Report


Herald Report

  • Site Reconstruction

    New stuff is coming. I just planned out what characters from the KM universe need to be there... not that

anyone cares.

  • Grant Of Arms Requests


They will be ignored.

  • Custom Lightsabers

    Posted a couple but can't remember who they were for...

Anakin's Magical Scar

TheForce.Net brings up what some fans have noticed - Anakin's scar changes sides during some of

the teasers/trailers. Make sure you check out the Braid Theory's diagrams. They are hilarious.

True Evil Surfaces

If you remember one of my earlier reports, you'll know that today was the day the EIII mass-marketing frenzy began.

Burger King, Frito Lay and Pepsi (among others) kick off their EIII related campaigns.
As if going to my local

Burger King wasn't entertaining enough, I now have that to look forward to.

Also, there was a big midnight madness frenzy at a [Hong Kong

Toys R Us](http://www.theforce.net/holonet/story/Hong_Kong_Midnight_Madness_Report_90966.asp). Cjheck out that link for the details. I especially like the "very short Darth Vader's" comment.

There Is Another Skywalker

Princess Leia's about to let loose. [Carrie

Fischer](http://www.theforce.net/holonet/story/Carrie_Fisher_to_Write_Star_Wars_Book_90898.asp) will be writing a book exposing the life behind-the-scenes during filming of the original trilogy.

Mara Jade Interview

At some point I just give up with clever titles. This is that point.

Anyhow, check out this interview from Lightsabre.Co.Uk with Shannon McRandle, aka Mara Jade.

Celebration III Reminder

13 more days til Celebration III. Registration cut off was April 1st - which was yesterday. Several DJBers are

going to attend! Check here on the Forums for a [Celebration III thread](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?

showtopic=294) started by Telona.

What a busy life I have sometimes. This weekend is no exception.

I attended the ceremony for my father's retirement from the US Navy today. There was also a party afterwards. The

party had a lot of kids. I find that the more I am around these specific children (mostly family) the more I loathe


Tomorrow we go pick up my second Pug puppy - Ivy. I know she'll be a handful but it's worth it to me. We also have

to turn the clocks ahead here in the good old USA, so I'm being robbed of an hour of precious sleep.

I agree with the children part. The more I teach six year olds karate, the more I want to use them as kick shields lol.

Congratulations on the new dog. Much easier to handle hehe.

just be glad that you're not an order leader stuck with the GoA of a different order. ;)

hey kaine, not to be a pest or anything, but do you have any idea when the the new GOA will be ready? im just asking cause the ones others have are cool and i would like one too.

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