House of Tridens QUA Report
March 26th thru April 3rd
By: Dark Jedi Knight Maar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
General News-Competitions-Transfers In & Out
House of Tridens Poetry Competition:
House of Tridens Name Scramble #2 Competition:
Clan Tarentum Sith War revisited SP missions Competition:
DJB wide April MT fictional Story called New Beginnings:
DJB wide April MT Poetry called The End:
Lets beat down our Proconsul till the months end; here is what she had to say, Have you always wanted to beat down your PCON and soon to be KHP? Dont know exactly how to go about doing so? Well your time has come! All next month everyone will have the opportunity to beat on me in XvT/XWA/JK/JO/JA (no more BF server so no more BF unless you suggest a server). All you got to do is email me with the game of your choice, what day you want to play, and what time you want to play. Well go five minutes in the TIEs, to 5 wins with the sabers, or one battle in BF with the winner having the best deaths to kills ratio. If you make these challenges for one of the gaming days! Then youll stand a good chance of getting a CF as well as bragging rights. What fun!!?
Transfers into House of Tridens: Apprentice Yorkirk on 4/2/05, and Apprentice Ulrik Belisitar on 3/27/05. Welcome Apprentices to the House of Tridens!!
Transfers out of House of Tridens: OE Gryffon has decided to leave us and go to Rouges, and DA Pyralis has decided to leave us and go to Clan Taldryan
Gaming Days/Nights:
Tuesday, all day and night in #gmrg, this is one vs. one competition but team play is welcomed.
Thursday, all day and night in #gmrg, this is team play being preferred, but one vs. one is allowed.
Saturday, usually starting at 4pm Est., and running to sometime around Midnight in #outerrim, one vs. one is allowed.
Sunday, all day and night in #gmrg, this is both one vs. one, and team play (remember team play will be awarded a lot heavier from here on out) This gaming day is held every other week hence the name Sundays Bi-Weekly Tournament
Activity-Medals-Promotions-General Activity:
(Medals-Promotions 3/26-4/2)
Sephiroth Storm: Promoted to Protector
Maar-Tyrius: 29 Cfs, Crescent with Sapphire Star,
Vardar: 5 Cfs, 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars, Steel Cross
Cannabisia: Dark Cross
Oberst: Dark Cross
Nit`Chu: Commander of The Circle of Yu, 2 Cfs, Steel Cross
Merlance: 6 Cfs, Crescent with Sapphire Star, Steel Cross
Kibitoshin: Promoted to Acolyte
Shimas: Crescent with Emerald Star, Crescent with Topaz Star, Star of Antei
X-Pilot: 3 Cfs, Star of Antei, Crescent with Topaz Star,
Xanath: Dark Cross
Sivart: Dark Cross
(General Activity-Gaming Activity 3/26-4/2) Reminder for those of you that may not know or have forgotten, if you do any type of activity for Tridens/Tarentum/or DJB, and its not reportable, please email: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with a brief description so it can be recorded (i.e. practice matches, envoy work, and what not.
Vardar: Running Yu comp
Maar-Tyrius: 2 QUA reports, Medals report, New Activity Reports, 2 new competitions submissions, 9matches 3/26 ICTE, 19matches 3/29 Tues., 2matches 3/31 Thurs., 3matches for Yu comp
Nit`Chu: 3 JA games with Quejo, Ran a Yu comp, 3matches 3/26 ICTE, 17matches 3/29 Tues., 10matches 3/31 Thurs., 9matches 4/2 ICTE, 3matches for Yu comp.
Kibitoshin: SA Sith:Core
Sephiroth Storm: Some envoy work
Menschenhai: SA Sith:Core
Merlance: RM duties till 3/28, 6matches 3/26 ICTE, 5matches 3/31 Thurs.
Zekk: 6matches 3/29 Tues.
X-Pilot: 2matches 3/26 ICTE
Ziguarath: 2matches 3/31 Thurs.
Useful sites:
Message Board:
Shadow Academy:
DJB News:
House of Tridens:
Clan Tarentum:
Congrats to those who received medals and promotions, keep up the good work!
The activity within the House of Tridens is looking good, lets all pitch in a work as hard as we can and the medals and promotions will keep flowing in!
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