Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Cipher walked down the halls of the Citadel. It was late at night, all the house asleep save for her and the guards. She held a datapad in her hand and was deep into writing her report...


Wow! What a week! I haven't seen this many SA courses done in such a short time! Amazing. Kudos to everyone for the activity. That's what I like to see! Keep up the good work. It will pay off. =) On to the specifics...


James Bellador

  • IRC Basics, Sith Flight Studies II: ESET, Test of Wisdom, Sith Flight Studies I: ISET, Sith Core, MSN Messenger


  • Sith Core, Obelisk Core, IRC Basics, Sith Tactics, Conflict mediation, Krath Core, Krath Grammar, Test of Wisdom, MSN Messenger, Leadership Studies

Syrus Korodin

  • IRC Basics

Zak Banark

  • Dark Jedi Meditation, Sith Core


  • Test of Wisdom, MSN Messenger, Sith Core

Nerca Beyul the Dark

  • Test of Wisdom


  • Leadership Applications


  • Leadership Applications


  • Test of Wisdom

  • Leadership Applications



  • Steel Cross


  • Dark Cross


  • Dark Cross


  • Cresent with Ruby Star



  • Apprentice to Acolyte in one week!!!


  • Elevated to Jedi Hunter


  • Elevated to Jedi Hunter


Please Welcome: Scorpius, Syrus, Visaroth, Serrik, Zak, James and Titus! Great to see so many new faces! =)


Currently, Braecen is running TriviaLIVE! in #byss on IRC. It runs every Saturday at 2pm Central US time. Come on out and give it a shot. Master Jonaleth beat me in overtime to become the first victor! grumbles Your reward is on its way... =P

I will be starting a few competitions this month:

  1. FICTION PIECE: Write about Laethan's leaving and Cipher's appointment. What were the circumstances behind it? (2-3 pgs.)

  2. POETRY:

Traveler Poem: Each month the Summit will choose either a planet or location from Star Wars Canon... members will then submit a 1 page poem in any form about the place... it can be wacky limerick and fun haiku OR it could be a beautiful epic

  1. GAMING: If it can be organized in time, I would like to have a mini tournament in the gaming platforms. It will be an informal tourny where you must play another member of Byss and record the score. Rounds will be to 5 kills. You may play one member only twice. Wins will be 2 points while a loss will be one point.

  2. QUA's Guard (Member of the Month) : This one doesn't require a formal entry, cause you're all elligible. This is picked by the summit and the winner will get a nice shiney to put in their medal box. =)

Don't forget that the KHP also has MT's that run each month. If you submit to them, or any other comp for that matter, CC Braecen and Myself so that we can see what you're doing. There will also be a Clan comp running soon. Keep your ears open for more information.


KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! I'm Loving the Activity! =)

Cipher looked up from her datapad and found she was at the front doors of the Citadel. She sent the report, gave the pad to the guard outside, and tossed him her cloak. Stopping a moment, she extended her wings, and leaping up, she pulsed hard with her wings and she soared into the night sky. The moon glistened off her horns and glittered on her scales...

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