Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Dinaari Quaestor Report

Not much to say here...read news pages and stuff. Read the announcement below too :P

Importantish Announcement

So I finally got through all the applications for AED. Then I sent in the request to get that person moved up. Of course, little did I know that needed to be approved by DC-types. Which means red tape and the like. All while this is happening, I completly forgot to tell the person he got it until yesterday when someone asked what was going on with that. I resigned myself to just announcing it in my report, approval or not, but then Kir comes by and pulls a Kir and get's it updated. I suspect he does a little more than the usual Praetor duties for Mav...anyway, long story short, congrats to Fire-Knight for beating out the other apps (and trust me, that was a feat. There was a very close second) and becoming the next wacky Dinaari AED. In his place, I placed Kraval as our next JH-SGT-promo guinea pig (http://dinaari.taldryan.org/djk_trials.php). Oh, and our beloved ex-PCON ex-AED ToBeAnnounced (TBA for short)? I don't really care about him , sorry.


Competition Site:


FK is hosting a Bi-Monthly Cr-E Comp

Send to him (CC: me) the results of any MP match (that you win) for points towards a Cr-E

(Weekly Multiplayer Things)

1v1 Night - Tuesdays in #GMRG

Team (2v2 or more) Night - Thursday in #GMRG

"The ICTE" - Saturday in #outerrim

Bi-Weekly MP Tournament - Every second Sunday in #GMRG


Sharden Rhayze joined

Myishka joined

Drizzt joined

Awards, etc.

Trazar - 1 CF

Michael - 7 CFs

Kraval - 51 CFs, Cr-T, StA, Promo to JH

Fire-Knight - 12 CFs

Duga - 39 CFs, Cr-E, CR-Q, SC, StA

Swipes - DC

Pyralis - 4 CFs, Cr-Q

Shar - 3 CFs


Oh how I hate that "move your clocks ahead" thing...

OP Benevolent Taldrya Whiner (Obelisk)/QUA/Dinaari of Taldryan

GC / SC-SoP / StA-WG / DC-KC-O / (GN) / (SNB) / (BN) / Cr-2R-6A-10S-6E-2T-1Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF / LSB / SI-SoW / SoL / S:-23M-5R

{SA: U:TL - U:TSC - G:LS - G:IRC - IRC2 - G:PHP1 - O:CORE}

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