Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Hello all, it is I, your wonderful new commander. Not too much has been happening since I took command. I've come up with a competition idea already and it's pending approval, but once its ok'd well get it going full swing. Expect emails to give the full explanation. My basic idea for a first comp is to have you guys go out and challenge other battle team members, just to see how we stack up against the rest. It won't be required that you challenge other BT members, but the win on a BT member will be worth two points, and a non-BT member win will be worth one point. Since I'm a team leader, I will be awarding crescents for the first three highest scores, and since there are only four people on my battle team, that means there should be no reason i can't give out all three crescents. The competition starts on April 18th and ends May 1st, lasting two weeks. I think thats more than enough time to rack up some nice kills. And don't worry about having to look for opponents, I have compiled a list of people that are active on IRC and who participate regularly in gaming nights. I'll send that to you along with my email about the competition. As for my next comp idea it involves some banner design for DFB, but I still need to run that by Ben but hopefully and more than likely it'll be approved. If you guys ever have any questions, please feel free to ask me while you see me on IRC or just email me and I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have. In conclusion, I would like to congradulate Duga on his insane amount of wins in the month of March, I would like to welcome back Trazar who just got home from a trip to New York, and I want to welcome Adept Yu Long (aka Pyralis) to Dark Fire Brigade. No Micheal Arkarso, I didn't forget about you, it's just that I haven't talked to you or seen you on IRC gaming or talking in a long time so I don't know what I can say about you.

Good luck to everyone on gaming nights and be on the lookout for my comp.

JH Kraval Novir (Sith)/CMDR/Dinaari of Taldryan [GMRG: G:SHW]

StA / Cr-1S-1E-2T / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF / LSB / S:-1R


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