Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Forgot the third report. Oh well, I’m still doing okay. If you’ll check my QUA report record it’s like 15/56, so right now I’m doing great. Not a whole lot happened this week, as far as I know at least, I’ve been bored working and preparing for recording soon.

*--= DB/Clan News =-- *

Bloodfyre’s XWA/XvT bracket tournament has gotten a little… off track. But he is working on fixing that and the second round should be re-commencing either today or tomorrow.

New SA JA Server is still up and running, though it is no longer modded. That means no resetting of shields in duels so people are loading up and using bactas and all that other lamer shit but hey it is what they do. My advice? Have someone spectate your match if you really don’t trust the person you’re playing. Server: Pass: DJB

*--= Dinaari News =-- *

Fire-Knight has been officially named the new Aedile of Dinaari, congratulations to him. And since he has moved up from the Sergeant position, Kraval is taking his spot as Commander of Dark Fire in hopes of earning his lightsaber. Best of luck to both of them, I’m sure they’ll do great.

AWOL check went through! Lost a nice number of lazy members and a lot more Apprentices take their place.

I still owe some people SHAFT medals, which I will be getting to. Just been lazy of late, but don’t worry about them. I don’t forget medals.

*--= Ektrosis News =-- *

AWOL Check has been sent to the MAA’s Staff, hasn’t gone through yet that I know of, but should be losing a few members soon.

The sexlicious Bubbles is running a competition of her own, the Random Word Story. Details can be found - - Ends today. I’m not sure if she’s still taking submissions but you can always ask.

All them leaderish guys are back from leave.

*--= Current Competitions =-- *

Tuesday MP Night – All day in #gmrg, supposed to be 1v1 but anything goes really. Report on

Thursday MP Night – All day in #gmrg, supposed to be 2v2+ but anything goes really. Report on

Saturday ICTE – 4pm EST until whenever. Anything goes; sign up via bot and report scores on IRC.

Sunday Bi-Weekly Tournament – All day in #gmrg, you have to have played prior to this to be qualified. Anything goes. Report on

Surprise Part for Alanna – Arania is running this fiction competition as a goodbye thing for Alanna, who is retiring KHP and coming back to Taldryan. The info can be found here - -

Krath Monthly Topics – Fiction: “New Beginnings” Submit to Telona [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .txt or .doc format. Poetry: “The End” Submit to Alanna [Log in to view e-mail addresses] any form of poetry is acceptable.

Haikus - The topic is "Fear". The closing date is 10th April. Please send all entries to Aragorn [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .doc or .txt.

Royal Guard Operation: Polished Swords – If you’re in the Guard you might want to check your email for the document Jasru sent out about this competition. Other information can be found here - -

*--= Project Updates =-- *

Nothing at all to report here this week.

*--= Proconsul’s Corner =-- *

ICTE is happening right now, go on and win that All-Star title dealy.

*--= Important Links =-- *

Dark Brotherhood Website:

Taldryan Website:

Taldryan MB:

Dinaari Website:

Dinaari MB:

Ektrosis Website:

Ektrosis MB:

Old Reports:


Primarch Shadow Taldrya (Obelisk)/M:OHC-M:SHW-M:CoG-PCON/Clan Taldryan [GMRG: G:DGM] [KSOE: CCE] [ACC: CBT] ::: SB / GC-S-GS / SC-CoR / StA-MO / DC-LC-R-C / (GN) / (SNAg) / (BN) / Cr-7D-13R-12A-9S-5E-2T-1Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF-GoF / LSAu / DSS / SI-SoW / SoL / S:-13M-7R


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