Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Gladius QUA Report 9/4/05

The past week has been amongst the busiest week since I took over the reigns of Gladius, medals and promotions handed out, activity on a high and also some appointments handed out. So here is a list of everyone who got something this week, congrats to you all and same again next week please :D

Medals and promotions

4 CF Frosty

Star of antei Frosty

1 Legion of the Scholar Frosty

Dark Cross Zill

Steel Cross Frosty

Star of Antei Dox

Dark Cross Ice Wolf

Dark Cross Rhea

Dark Cross Source

Ice wolf promoted to Guardian

2 CFs Ice Wolf

11 CFs Dox

2 CFs Welshman

I would also like to congratulate Zill on taking command of Wings of Darkness, I know you’ll do a grand job and would also like to remind our newest members that Wings is a sith based circle however as we are multi order you do not have to necessarily play the sith games, you could for example be a writer who from a fictional stand point wish to be in a fighter squad. So if you have any interest in joining mail me or Zill and we’ll put you in there.

Also on other news the House Champion is progressing smoothly and the current leader is Frosty Romanae so all I’ll say is keep the pressure on our local RM and give him a run for his money!

Also attached to this report you will find a short description of the House Base written by Sith Bloodfyre when he was the QUA of this fine house. This will help you in any fiction events we may have going at any time and also with the recent comp of designing some graphics of the House base.

Also Smoke the QUA of Tridens has come forward with a good idea that would benefit not just this house but also the Clan, so take him up on the offer and also I’d be more then willing to help.

Well that’s all I have for today I think. Sorry for having to wait for this and for it not being very meaty but my life has been hectic these past few days.


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