Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Yay. Report.

[DB News]

-Several competition results released.

-Tournament last week, it marked the end of Taldryan domination with only one from the Clan in the top 3.

-JaM3z was awarded an RS for ACC work.

-There is a new Golden Lightsaber award graphic and Cyris is working on more for the other medals.

-DV Submissions were due yesterday.

-A new poll for flagship name is currently being run.

-Aerick Thane is the new P:SCL.

-Writing tutorials are being run by Mike Halcyon. Catch some of those, information on the news page.

-JH Lucien Azyr Do'Itek, JH Kat Pridemore and OE Korras Aquillarum have joined the ACC Staff in various positions.

-Lannie is finally officially stepping down and Telona has taken over the Krath.

-The ACC Championship Ladder: Round 2 has nearly concluded.

[Ektrosis/Taldryan News]

-The AWOL check went through. The House is now at a nice, trim number of 16.

-Fire-Knight was appointed AED of Dinaari.


Yay! DJM Alanna to House Ektrosis! In case you don't know who Alanna is (and have been living under a rock) she's a former KHP and QUA of Ektrosis. Welcome her back home.

[Shadow Academy]

Leadership Applications passed by Vodo Biask and Bubbles.


Atton Har to Acolyte.


Chaosrain - Cr-E

NexusMage - CF(x6)

DarkSabre - GC


-The MTs. (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=R:7158)

-The Haiku competition


The topic is "Fear" and ends today.

-The Multiplayer Gaming nights continue. Details on the Taldryan site


-The Greatest Warrior of All Times... This month is SCL Cybey!


-A Competition for Lannie


-Bubbles's random word story!



A fairly quiet week. But that can change.

Do stuff. Now.

-QUA Dark Sabre

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