Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Kirleta’s acting-QUA Report

Greetings Brethren:

Sorry for the really really late report, School can be a little.. overbearing at times.

Lets start with the starting bit eh? PRT Animus Sohcahtoa has been given command of the Sith Battle team, Delphian Squadron, This is a quick Aedile’s reminder to the members of Delphian Squadron, and even Eternal Plague, please send quick, easy, weekly activity reports to your BT Leaders. It gets you promotions faster, medals, and recognition. Trust me, 3 minutes a week is worth it.

takes a breath and continues with other important things

**special note to Apprentices in Kirleta – If you want to get promoted to Novice, have a gander at the promotion guidelines, bookmark it, love it, get married to it, trust me it helps you to use this!!



6…. New transfers …. Wow……

Eternal Plague:

Nothing as of yet

Delphian Squadron:

Nothing as of yet


Crescent w/ emerald star to Hellion

Tests Passed

Obelisk Core: Malaci

Sith Core: Prada Tomas

Krath Runon: Animus Sohcahtoa

Leadership Studies: Animus Sohcahtoa

Good job :D


The DB:

The Sith Battle Compendium:

The Clan MB:

The advancement guide:

The Brotherhood Order of Battle:

ACC webpage:


1316 Warlord Vessicant

441 Prelate Arso Slyth

4024 Warrior Warhunter Arawn Entar

1028 Dark Jedi Knight Cyrax Lionheart

3674 Dark Jedi Knight Pug Milamber Titanos

3783 Jedi Hunter Xen' Culo Harzirto

4054 Jedi Hunter Anikal

4004 Guardian DeViL

4951 Protector Animus Sohcahtoa

4782 Acolyte Ashura

4895 Acolyte Kith Staken

4915 Acolyte Crista

4570 Novice J

4824 Novice brutus

4842 Novice Tol'Xarok

4930 Novice MAOL

4943 Novice Prada Tomas

5021 Novice illto-dainken

5051 Novice Malaci

4718 Apprentice Hellion

4921 Apprentice JOSNA RALYN

4973 Apprentice Myr SoAniKor

5025 Apprentice Bejacus

5040 Apprentice Seyer

5080 Apprentice Darkness Eternal

5097 Apprentice D'raxin

5114 Apprentice Kraznor

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