Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Another week, another report. This one brought to you by mountain dew and kraval novir. So it's been a good week for the DB and Clan Taldryan. Kir dropped by the old dinaari mIRC room for some good old chat time. FK has admitted his obesity problem but refuses to take action. Anywho, onto more serious things.

DB Wide News

The Independance games will be in full swing soon, a great opportunity to earn some shinies.

The XvT Bracket is still going on, though no one from Taldryan is in the final round. :(

It's been two years since the break away from the Emperor's Hammer, and for those of you who weren't around for that don't worry, neither was I. You can talk to some of the older timers, but as far as I know the EH wasn't half as good as the DB is.

If you want to be on the RG, members are still being searched for. Go ahead and talk to whichever DC council member you like and see what they say.

Taldryan News

Congrats to:



Fire Knight


for getting seals of loyalty

Kir has released his 98th report, check your emails. He apparently has a suprise for his 100th, so be on the lookout for that.

Alanna is no longer the KHP and is instead with Ektrosis, so welcome back!

A lot of oldtimers have returned, so a word to the wise. Newcomers, challenge them at your own risk. Trust me, I get pwned all the time by them.

DFB News

The following members of DFB have received some nice shines. (By the way, if I miss something please forgive me. I go off of what I get in the email or what I hear, so if there is a correction to be made let me know and I'll fix it.)

Duga - Steel Cross, 26 CF's

Trazar - 3CF’s, promotion to Protector

Also, I would like to welcom Ziggy (aka Sithspawn), and Nam Winsor to DFB, I'm sure you'll both be great additions to our team.

So my competition begins this monday, and I hope to see more participation in it than what FK's competition is getting. The basic format that I want you to email the scores to me is as follows:

your name (PIN# ) vs their name (PIN# ) battle team ........

me 5, him 2

me 5, him 1

then your id line

After their pin number, tell me what battle team they are apart of, so i can award you double points for that. If you don't tell me then I'll assume that you just played a normal person and award you one point.

Duga has started his own little comp, where it involves JO/JA CTF (capture the flag). read the details in your mail.

FK still has his CR-E comp going, and I want to see everyone submit two or three times for that at the least. I don't want to be the one to rape it again.

The normal Tues, Thurs, Sat, and every other Sun games are still happening in your local #gmrg and #outerrim.

Royal Guard comp is in full swing, so RG members get out there and dominate!

Personal News

Starting monday, I will not be on IRC for the next two weeks. I have finals coming up and I have a math grade I have to bring up. I will still check my email and write reports. If there is an emergancy or something you can reach me via email and I'll try to answer you within 24 hours.

Good luck to all on the upcoming competitions.

JH Kraval Novir (Sith)/CMDR/Dinaari of Taldryan [GMRG: G:SHW]

StA / Cr-2S-2E-2T / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF / LSB / S:-1R


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