Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Dinaari AED Report #2

Alright another week gone by and there are several new things to report

Once again, I have had almost no participation on the Cr-E competition so its looking like im going to have to close it down if you guys don’t go out their and participate, remember that if you win this multiple times their could be further awards. So you have one week left to submit scores... here is the link for those who don’t have it.

Also just as a reminder, for those of you new to Dinaari and under the rank of JH. If your lost and not sure what to do to get a promotion and to move up. Just check out the Promotion guidelines at

Lastly, Something interesting is in the works so keep your eyes peeled as to what it is.

DB Wide News

Kaine is looking for a code monkey, so if you have what it takes, give him a shout.

For those of you who like the SA, there are new degrees, feel free to go get one.

Royal Guards are still being looked for, just submit to a DC member you like :D ( as long as their not full)

New KHP: Telona Has now taken residence in her office, and Lannie is back in Taldryan... YAA!

Round three of the Championship ladder is about to begin, so if you like reading ACC battles, give her a glance, and if your participating, good luck.

The Day of the Exodus has passed and the DB has moved into it’s second year of independence. In order to commemorate this several Seals of Loyalty have been awarded to members of the clan including: Nexusmage, Duga, DS, Shadow, Kir, Dalthid, Pyralis, and Myslef

The IG’s are soon to start so I hope everyone is ready to crank it up a gear. I hope to see a member of Dinaari Named Champion

Also For those who haven’t heard, there is a new DB IRC guide thanks to both Shad and Pyr (two of our own) so if your new and want to get more involved, check it out.

SA JA server is up at ==> Password is DJB

Clan Wide News

Kir sent a report out.... so look at that one, and shad sent an e-mail... read that too.


Dinaari Competition Site: <-- Take A look at these people, there are some pretty easy ways to make medals and Promos. STAY ACTIVE!

(Weekly Multiplayer Events)

1v1 Night - Tuesdays in #GMRG

Team (2v2 or more) Night - Thursday in #GMRG

"The ICTE" - Saturday in #outerrim

Bi-Weekly MP Tournament - Every second Sunday in #GMRG

(Make sure you guys get on these ^^ best way to get CF’s out their.)

Bi-Monthly Cr-E still active.

DFB members Check out Kraval’s comp, he is giving you an easy chance to earn medals.

Duga has started a CTF comp for Taly, and I know we all love CTF, so submit to him.



Kraval Novir –CF’s

Me - StA, SI

Duga Arkarso – CF’s

Yu Long( Pyr) – CF’s, SI, SC


APP Nam Winsor to Dinaari


none for now, but if you want one, read the promotion guidelines.


If you want medals, play in some comps, their not that hard.

JH Fire-Knight (Obelisk)/AED-EP/Dinaari of Taldryan [GMRG: G:HM] [ACC: SKR]

SC / StA-QL / (GN) / (SN) / Cr-2S-1E-1T-1Q / CF-BlF-RF / LSS / SI / SoL / S:-4R  

{SA: U:TL - G:LS - G:CM - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:MED - K:GS - K:POET - O:CORE - S:ESET}

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