House Marka Ragnos Quaestor Report Number Ni!!
(That's 'two' for the fools that don't speak Japanese...)
'Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work we go...'
Important Stuff
Konnichiwa, meat puppets. Another day in the life, neh?
As far as news goes, firstly something that you all already know, but which I'm going to tell you again just to make sure you remember it ^^ Myself, Muz and Goat have appointed Epis Xizor as the new Aedile of Marka Ragnos- may he hope to pwn as much as his predecessor. Although you probably won't be able to get out as many reports as I did, Xi. ^^ Now, since you know of all the other summit changes (and if you don't, where have you been? Get yo' head out of the sand!) I shall move onto some real news.
Operation: Frozen Fortress! Thanks to people volunteering on the message boards topic, I now have seven Dark Jedi willing to risk their lives and their sobriety (Konar's on board ><) on a trip to Loki. However, seven was the minimum number of volunteers I was hoping for- if anybody else wishes to get involved, they can mail me or post on the topic. We've also begun discussion of a points system to determine the overall 'winners' of the competition, so who gets the highest medals. ^^ The planned ETA for the start of the mission is at the beginning of May- so you have seven days to volunteer or discuss new ideas that you want to see in this. It's your mission just as much as mine, so whatever you want to see in it, suggest.
Ho hum... still no submissions for the last Aediles Fortnightly comp, which ends tomorrow. Ah well, it is kinda out of date. ^^ And as to the new Black Guard competition... I will be merging it with Operation: Frozen Fortress. Therefore, the warrior who impresses me the most during the operation will be given the honour of entering the ranks of the Black Guard. There's an extra incentive for you... go volunteer! ^^
And that seems to be all the important stuff I can think of this week. Enjoy.
Medals, Promotions, Random Gubbins
Lots of medals this week. Happy Manji.
Firstly, Lenzar obtained himself a Grand Cross of the Dark Side, some Scrolls of Indoctrination and some Clusters of Fire. Woo Lenz!
Secondly, Xizor scored himself a Star of Antei for generally pwning. Go Xi!
Thirdly, Voort, Kat and myself all got Clusters of Fire for multiplayer. I got a Cluster of Fire! Haven't had one o' those in ages... bless you, ACCLive. Bless you.
And now for me to boast- got two Crescents with Sapphire Stars, a Crescent with an Amethyst Star and a Dark Cross. That's what participation gets you. ^_^
No promotions this week, sadly... I hold out hope for next week.
And SA courses- Xhedias passed the Leadership Applications course. Go Xhed! It's a pity I'm too lazy to do any more SA courses...
And two new members- Sharmin Wheyes and Gllen Nadis. Welcome to both of you, from everyone in HMR. The bar is in the corner. ^_^
The Weird and Wonderful World of your Quaestor...
Sheeesh. I hate work and college. Yesterday I had a British History course essay to write. Basically, that's where you get given an essay question about two weeks before you're due to write the essay under timed examination conditions. However, you do get to take a plan in with you. So I think it went pretty well- wrote everything I wanted to and came out thinking 'Heheh... piece a' piss.' We then got the question for European History... it's exactly the same as the British History question, but about a different person. Heheh. I'm sure I can handle that. And then exams proper start on the 24th May. Eeeep. I hate exams. Still, if I survive until the 9th of June (and do well, hopefully) I get to go to Download on the 10th of June. Ahh, rock festivals. You are the balm to my tortured, stressed soul in a way incomprehensible to anyone over 30.
In Conclusion...
Volunteer for Operation: Frozen Fortress! Oh, and also, the Independence Games are going to be coming up very soon- I want lots of participation for that as well! Sayonara!
**_KAP Nekura Manji Keibatsu (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow...
...Samurai of the Keibatsu Line...
...Archpriest of the Krath Order...
...Quaestor of Marka Ragnos...
...The One-Eyed Dragon...
...pwnz j00. Ultimately._**
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