Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report


Whats up guys? I'm very sorry about the delay but it feels like I've been doing nothin but studying for tests and going on vacations. But anyways to the report.


Hideki: Man I really got to ask you something. DO YOU EVER SLEEP?? Awesome activity. Keep it up. Oh by the congrats on GRD. (I know i'm a little late I've meaning to say it but I kept forgetting)

Voldemort: You also, outstanding activness.

Everyone else: You all have been doing something of importance so I am very pleased about that.

Keep it up all of you.


I have an important test in the middle of the week but after that I promise all of you that I'll get my act together. I already have a few ideas on paper so I'll try to request them soon

Kind of short.

In Darkness,

PRT Exiodias "Dias" Marr of Obelisk

Sergeant of the Banshee Brigade

Proud Member of House Dorimad Sol

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