Top of the morning to everyone. It's time to hear me rant and ramble about the goings on for the DB and house Dinaari.
DB News
Doesn't look like too much is happening due to the fact that college finals are approaching.
The Independance Games will be starting fairly soon, the amount of games needed has been met but just barely so be on the look out for that.
Dinaari News
Well, it looks like I managed to win FK's emerald crescent comp again. For now he's gonna retire it until a latter date and hopefully get more participation out of it.
DFB News
I have yet to receive a submission for my battle team comp and its over in five days. If your saving up your wins to email me all at once thats fine too, just drop me a line to let me know. Trazar, Jaymz, and Nam this is a great way for you guys to get a nice crescent out of this, and since no one has submitted yet, one submission could mean the difference between winning and not.
Just as an FYI for some of the lower ranked members, if you have met all the requirements for getting up to the next rank talk to either me, FK, or Ben and one of us will get on it. It is a little difficult to keep track of progress 100% of the time but generally we notice that sort of stuff.
Duga - 4 CF's
Trazar - 2 CF's
Jaymz - passed the obelisk core exam
this will be a new section for my report to help you guys out with earning some nice shinies.
Tues & Thursday matches are still a go. Tuesdays is more for single matches where as Thursday matches are for team playing. Both are hosted in the IRC room #gmrg all day.
ICTE (inter-clan training event) is hosted by our own pyralis every saturday in #outerrim. the prize for being all-star is an amethyst
crescent, and I know we all would like a couple of those right?
Every other sunday there is a tournament held by DJM Bloodfyre the Sith High Warrior. Prizes for that are excellent and I would really like to see some more of DFB besides Duga place in it.
Duga is hosting a CTF comp so try to get together in #dinaari and see if some people are wanting to CTF
My comp ends May 1st so let me know if your saving up scores or get those submissions in to me ASAP!
Personal News
Well I spent four days studying for my math test and I still got a 58% on it, so that means for the next five days I have to study like there's no tomorrow, because thats basically the truth. I'm 1% away from getting a C in that class and the only other grade I can put into it is my finals, so it's either pass the finals and the class or fail completely and take the class again some other semester. No way am I doing that.
JH Kraval Novir (Sith)/CMDR/Dinaari of Taldryan [GMRG: G:SHW]
StA / Cr-2S-3E-2T / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF / LSB / S:-1R
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