The report is super thin this week because I've been really busy. If you have Star Wars news to report, drop me a line.
Site Reconstruction
A lot of things have prevented me from doing updates. When I'm not exhausted from doing all the RL stuff I have
going on I'll do a massive update.
SWGN site design is up. Functionality is on hold for
a bit becaue of other projects the P:SCL is doing. The site will still feature info on all SW games and SW-based
mods for non-SW games.
They will be ignored.
One Submitted...
The (British) Empire Strikes Back
The British Board of Film Classification has given 'Revenge of the Sith' a 12A rating:
-> Classified 27 April, 2005
Contains moderate fantasy violence and scary scenes
This work was passed with no cuts made.
Run Time 139m 59s
Unlike the US, where a dozen or more running times have been reported on various theater websites, the BBFC lists
the definitive runtime for the UK, at a second shy of 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Speaks Lucas Does, Yes...
Hollywood.Com has an interview
with GL talking about Digital process, SW 3D and his post-EIII projects like Indy 4.
Lucas:"Well, there are a lot of rumors out there. Some of them are true. True-ish."
I Find Your Lack Of Digital Theaters Disturbing
TheForce.Net has updated their list of theaters selling EIII tickets - and theaters showing the
film in Digital!
Millions Of Voices Cried Out
The SWG Servers were updated this week with the long awaited Combat Upgrade. Details are far too numerous for me to
list here, so check out the forums for more info. I can't wait to get ahold of Scout Trooper armor.
There are but three things on my list for this weekend: Laundry, Wash the dogs and SWG. I'm an Imperial Pilot in
SWG now, and it's pretty cool. I launch into space and guard freighters or blast prototype B-Wings, just like good
old TF or XWA, but when I'm done flying I can get out and walk around. I even have a uniform. It's very exciting
and cool, even though I'm right at the beginning of my TF Pilot career. I only just started it last night, and have
about an hour of time under my belt.
I'm a tad more open to understanding MMORPG's. SWG is fun. Even when I'm getting killed by creatures that are far
too powerful for me to fight I'm having fun, and now with the big update things make more sense. It's hard to
explain, but now it shares a lot of elements with traditional RPG's - something I'm quite used to playing.
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