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Report: 7 May 2005 </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="84%" bgcolor="#FF6600">In The News</td> <td width="5%" bgcolor="#FF9933"> </td> <td width="4%" bgcolor="#FFCC00"> </td> <td width="3%" bgcolor="#FFFF00"> </td> <td width="2%" bgcolor="#FFFF66"> </td> <td width="1%" bgcolor="#FFFF99"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">Most seem to know that I'm not a big fan of folks who 'warm' rosters, though I can sympathize with the requirements of RL that we all need to fulfill at times. I have always been a fan of 'straight shooting', which is why I have brought the subject up. Two staff members, though I won't mention them yet, have come to me with their intention to step down - a fact that has given me more respect for them than I had before, which was a lot already. They didn't just wait around to get asked to leave, they stepped up like honorable individuals and said "hey... I'm not doing this place any good, I don't have enough time..." [For the record, it WASN'T a question of their work, it was a 'time' issue]. In that single regard for the Centre, the DB and (dare I say it) me and the rest of the staff, they have made themselves an example of what people should be when they hold positions. The SHW just did the same thing recently, asking 'you' if he was adequate for the position, a very ballsy move and one that should indicate what type of leader he is.</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">So, what does this have to do with the ACC where the membership is concerned? Well, it translates into regard for each other - not our characters, but the folks behind them who are trying to have a good time. It translates into the 'contract' that you enter into when you accept a challenge in the ACC. By accepting a challenge, you are saying "yes, I'd like to write this story with you". Of course there is the "I'm gonna kick your a*!!!" stuff too, but that's just an added plus along with the points for winning - inevitably though, you are agreeing to take part in something that will effect more people than just yourself. The waiting until the 13th day at the 11th hour BS has got to stop. For most, it's annoying, especially those who only like to have one battle going at a time. Very few combatants have the honor to 'draw' a battle because of the loss and the idea that it is them 'quitting', yet they are totally okay with screwing their opponent and letting the battle time-out - and getting the loss anyway, as long as they 'feel' their not quitting - that's bullsh*t. Some time ago, we introduced the 'quick skirmish' battle format (6+2) which we hoped would help 'speed things up' from a waiting around standpoint - but that didn't do it... </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">To give you a heads up, the staff is looking into a few options - one of the big ones, on the table, is reducing the 14 day post time. There are a few of us who've hated this since day 1, I was a fan of 5 days or less - with RL exceptions, of course. Though, I am not 'dropping the hammer' on this one, I have asked the staff to offer their input and hope to have resolution soon. Another option is placing time limit on battles with a specific length, i.e. the Epic battles would maintain the 14 day time period while the Grand Melee would go to 10 days, the Fight to 7, Duel to 5 and the Skirmish to 3 for example. Yet another option is 'timed' Halls, i.e. In Hall X there is a constant 72 hour post time limit. Don't freak out just yet, as I said, we're discussing it - you'll be notified when anything changes. For now though, you 'time-milkers' please consider the combatant on the other end of the line - it IS a real person waiting for you to get off your a* and stop making them wait. If RL creeps up, so be it - be considerate enough to drop them an email (before or after the delay) and let them know. This isn't 'my' club, it's not 'your' club - it's OUR club... yea, I know that's a dumb-warm-fuzzy cliché, but it's true, isn't it?</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="84%" bgcolor="#FF6600">Operations</td> <td width="5%" bgcolor="#FF9933"> </td> <td width="4%" bgcolor="#FFCC00"> </td> <td width="3%" bgcolor="#FFFF00"> </td> <td width="2%" bgcolor="#FFFF66"> </td> <td width="1%" bgcolor="#FFFF99"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">Round 1 of the Pilot Ladder has begun!!!!!</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">The CHL is still in Round 3!!!</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">_Both ladders have been given 1 extra day due to the slight site downtime. _</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">As a reminder, there is still the Handicap option for battles. Those of you who find yourself painting targets on the higher ranking opponents may find it useful, especially when limiting their Force ability. Physically, a lot of the lower ranking combatants can hold their own, but the Force knowledge gets them every time. Remember also, if you are 'given' a handicap (there'll be an indication in the challenge) you CAN give one to your opponent, in return - not doing so might be a bad idea :)</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">KAP Nekura Manji Keibatsu is the first winner of the ACC MVP award. A Star of Antei was awarded to him for his work over the month of April, congratulations Nekura!</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">Two DBers have been asked to 'revamp' the Sabre Combat Guide. After a long discussion, it was made abundantly clear that the Sabre section was hella weak... They are a bit limited with the 'scope' of what can be changed, but from what I have 'seen' it will prove to be a vast improvement on what we have now. Get excited about it!!</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="84%" bgcolor="#FF6600">Did you know?</td> <td width="5%" bgcolor="#FF9933"> </td> <td width="4%" bgcolor="#FFCC00"> </td> <td width="3%" bgcolor="#FFFF00"> </td> <td width="2%" bgcolor="#FFFF66"> </td> <td width="1%" bgcolor="#FFFF99"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">Did you know that there's a different way that 'fun' battles are handled than the regular ones? Most judging guidelines are tossed into the crapper for 'fun' battles, with judging leaning toward which combatant can make the judge pee a little :) Now, don't be dumb - you should still write within the framework of your character and his/her abilities - but the 'way' the judge reads it will probably be with humor in mind. Hell, what's the point of a 'fun' battle if it's going to be rated the same as the rest. ACCLive! are (generally) fun battles, simply because of the nature of the process. ALL battles in the Jester's Keep are fun battles (don't attempt to be too serious in that Hall :P) and should be rated as such. So, if you wrote the more accurate encounter in a 'fun' battle - but the other combatant just wrote funnier... you're prolly gonna lose, get over it. Ridiculous is king in fun encounters - though, the main types of criteria that will ALWAYS apply are: Continuity and Ingenuity... don't forget that :)</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="84%" bgcolor="#FF6600">Before I go...*</td> <td width="5%" bgcolor="#FF9933"> </td> <td width="4%" bgcolor="#FFCC00"> </td> <td width="3%" bgcolor="#FFFF00"> </td> <td width="2%" bgcolor="#FFFF66"> </td> <td width="1%" bgcolor="#FFFF99"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">If anyone knows I'm not perfect, it's me. A lot of the time, I'm easily baited into a fight - especially with correspondence like email because we can't see the intent of what someone is writing. You may be making the simplest statement, or asking a plain question - but, either, you chose your words wrong or I read them wrong 'with assumption' and now you have a mail from me tearing your head off. One thing, specifically, to avoid this is understanding. If you 'understand' that a denial of a request isn't personal, then it might lead you to know that it is also not open for discussion. So, when you ask for the approval of species X and I say 'no' (mind you, I rarely say 'no' without also including a reason and an idea of how to fix it) - that's that. When you mail me back trying to plead your case, without fixing what was addressed, then you are leading me to believe that you think its open for discussion... which it isn't - that'll make me pretty hot. My 'no' is a handed down 'no', not something I created. There are things that have NEVER been allowed here - which is why a lot of my difficulty is coming with contact from people new to the Centre and/or the Brotherhood in general, and not the folks who know that. </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">So, after a bit of mentoring from on high (:P) I am publicly announcing my effort to disengage the 'ass' switch that I may seem to have on all the time. That doesn't mean policies are going to change, or that APP's will be allowed to have Force Lightning as a species trait, or that a character can be a 'spirit' as a species or that a sword will ever be able to cut a lightsabre in half - it just means that I am going to try to take the fact that 'they may not know any better' into consideration. I doubt that my 'passion' for the Centre, or its place in the B-Hood will be muted, but I'll try and tailor my 'approach' a bit for the sake of all our nerves. Another is: replies to said mails will now be CC'd to the individual's initial leadership depending on where they are situated in their Clan. There is a lot of support for me and my lack of BS, but I don't want to hinder potential activity in the Centre so I'll try and find the happy medium.</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6">Thanks for your time and have a great weekend!</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
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Thanks for all your hard work. I am all for the shortened post times idea.
Reducing the already silly time limit is just plain daft. I for one don't mind waiting 2 or 3 weeks for a post, and I am sure there are others. Maybe make it up to the fighters what kind of limit they want, if any?
That sounds a lot better, in my opinion, than just simply shortening the time limit. It gives the fighters the chance to set up how it will be done according to how much time they have.
When it goes to a shorter time, concessions will be made for those of you who like to wait around, i.e. a Hall with no time limits.
This is why I used to like a lot of the original Halls. The Hardcore Hall was designed for people who wanted to have matches under the same conditions as a Ladder.
I do agree with the idea of time limits for people who want them though. I think the idea mentioned about letting people choose what they want would perhaps be the best method. Just add a new option for new matches so people get to choose a time limit as well as a match length.
"quote: after a bit of mentoring from on high (:P) I am publicly announcing my effort to disengage the 'ass' switch that I may seem to have on all the time"
Wow you not being a ass?
well I hope you actually do try, as some people know your habbits, better than most, Im new to acc, and after a small problem maybe I might come back.....but your attitude is what I question, not your work.
I guess time will see if this actually happens.
Hey, Dal without an attitude isn't Dal!
Anyway, I have only one issue with the time limit in general. There are no more notification mails, and some of us do have lives and tend to forget about their open battles every now and then.
I think a mail should go to someone at least 24 hrs before a time out. But as the timeout mails don't work anymore since a while (or has that been fixed?) the time limit of 14 days is as silly as any shorter or longer time frame.
Okay, if this turned into a poll, multiple time lengths (within a single Hall) is not an option - too confusing, especially since it's all manual and will continue to be. If there are to be varying time lengths, they will be associated with Halls.
As for the 'ass' switch - don't get me wrong, people who deserve it will get it, in fact, prolly worse since I'm not turnin' it on for just anyone :P
No notifications? I think you're mail is broken, I get 'em and all my friggin' NPC's have been getting them (mail, mail, mail). I dunno what to tell ya on that, Arania, haven't heard any complaints 'cept this one.
I get the "posted" notes, but no "you have to post" mails anymore. And AFAIK, no one gets those since more than a year.
If its not possible to make it automated then I don't think its all that plausible, as to have it require separate Halls would mean you'd need about six times as many Halls as we have currently to cover all eventualities.
I say just reinstitute the Hardcore Hall, stamp it with standard Championship Ladder rules for those who want to practise "a real fight" and not worry about having all other kinds of varying time frame.
I always thought it was automated, at least I thought it used to be automated. My single loss is testament to that fact. If it can't be though then I agree, too much of a problem to bother with inside every Hall.
Yea, we're not going to do the seperate halls with that many choices, never intended that... Reinstitute the Hardcore Hall? It never went anywhere, just got renamed... but putting those rules on it could be cool. It used to be automated, yes - can it be again, no (not now anyway). Too much work to fix, time's better spent on the future coding.
I don't know if you really meant 'no one' Arania, as in 'no one' at all in the Brotherhood gets a mail that says "So and so is to post next. Good luck", 'cause that would be a huge error - but if you meant the old 'warning' mails about the battle timing out - yea, that went down the pooper when the auto-flush went south.