Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Greetings Disciples of Kun,

Another week has passed and again my expectations have been surpassed. I am seeing a renewed vigor in the Equites and Elders... and this pleases me greatly, infinitely even! We could receive all the new members in the world, but without active Dark Jedi Knights (and up) we have no role models, no mentors, no leaders. And with that said let us begin the next PCON (or PECAN, depending on one's vernacular) report for this day/week type thing...

(Keep watching as this report evolves!)

Scholar of the Week

After deliberation and a chat with Chi, I have come to the conclusion that each month our scholars at the Shadow Academy should be awarded for their participation! From here on out I will keep track of everyone's SA courses (I do this already) and will award those whom are most active! Last month Sir Fattness and Scorpius were both awarded Dark Crosses for their diligent efforts!

That said, this weeks scholar was not a new member... but a returned disciple of the Force. Krath Epis Korbane conquered his competitors on his way to completing 5 different courses this week... Congrats Korbane on your achievements!

New Members

Apprentice Dekharr

Apprentice Archaon

Welcome these two newest members into the fold of Clan Exar Kun! I would LOVE to see some contact from our Equites with the newer members (several of you are already doing this, good work mates!) It is the relationships we forge early on that build this clan, we are more than names on a roster under the heading of CEK!

Competition News

The IGs have a release date cough*finally*cough and it is set to coincide with the release of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith on May 19th. So prepare for battle; grab up your pens, pencils, joysticks and imaginations! My personal expectations are immense as we gear up for this event

All of the past months of hard work will be shown as we compete in this event! (Isradias and Azyriths, I am holding you to a higher standard :o) )

I've also decided to highlight a Multi-Player game a week! I will be covering Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast, Xwing Alliance, the list goes on and on and on! (So if you know a great deal about a game such as Battlefront or SWG; send me a brief description of the game, how to connect in MP, gaming specifics and how it applies to the DB!)

This weeks choice of poison: Jedi Academy

You can find this game for a pirce of @$17.00 to $25.00 (American). It places you in the shoes of a young Jedi in training with a great deal of customizable features (species, gender, clothes, lightsaber hilt and color) The story is average and worth the play through at least once. But more important is the MP aspect!

When you load up the multi-player disc it will ask you to 'Join' as one of the commands. Select this option and you will be taken to a screen designated for Servers and IP addresses. The nifty thing is the Shadow Academy has it's own server so we can play on custom maps built by DBers! Once you are in the game you can either have a free for all OR you can challenge one another to duels (First to 5 kills wins!)

If you do this on Tuesday/Thursday or ICTE you can report the scores and earn Clusters of Fire! So get gaming and receive easy awards for your time and fun... Hope to see you all on the battlefield!

On the Horizon

Soon we will have a member of the month club! Spa and dinners not included :p

Quest for Dominance <yes, that is all I am saying... start dreaming up alternate realities now>


w00t another week, another report... While I am no Mr. Rogers I hope you have learned something this week my friends. Each week I will make sure to get out a listing of competitions or break down a new game for you all. As always I remind you to personally e-mail with any questions or concerns you may have! Enjoy the weekend; dont forget Mother's Day is tomorrow (sunday that is)

In Darkness,

Braecen Isradia

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