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8th May 2005
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Medals, medals, medals, and medals this week.
I haven't felt the medal bag so heavy in quite a while. It's good to see,
keep up the good work people! :)
Independence Games '05, which I spoke about in last week's report, will
now commence on the 19th May 2005. To coincide with the release of Star
Wars: Episode III. So get ready for the games! It's a great competition
that gives you a chance to win a large quantity of medals and it also
gives great merit toward your next promotion!
ACC Ladder post time limit was extended by 24hrs. Giving combatants 96hrs to make their posts. It's been 48hrs since the News post was made regarding this matter, thus leaving only another 24hrs left for combatants to make their posts in their ACC Ladder matches. The timers were extended due to the whole DB Database going offline. That was due to a host server error, and could only be fixed by the host company. However, the database was back online within a few hours.
Satal's Jumble Tumble Spy competition has ended! Appreciation goes out to all of those who participated! Congratulations to the top 3 winners;
Vervain Markenin in 1st Place
_Animus Sohcahtoa_ in 2nd Place
_Nilani Bakash_ in 3rd Place
A new Clan competition has begun! View further below for a link to the details!
Although I'm personally not a huge Star Wars fan, I think the soon to be released Episode III will be... awesome! I've viewed the trailers and from what I've seen, I think the movie will have great special affects, action, and a good story to complete the saga of Star Wars. Seeing how Darth Vader gets his suit and how Anakin finally turns to the Dark Side to become Vader shall be interesting. I've seen all the movies except Episode II, and I didn't mind them. Episode I was fairly crap in my opinion, but it was still interesting to watch. Like I said, I'm not a HUGE fan of Star Wars, but I do find the whole story to be interesting. You wouldn't find me at a convention, but I'd sure as hell see Episode III. And hopefully the big space fighter scenes will inspire some game makers to make a new Star Wars Flight Sim. I don't mind them releasing games that are more troop orientated, but you gotta have some sort of flighting game too! The last one was X-wing Alliance, and compared to the game play we have in today's games, XWA is pretty crappy. And the poor Sith have no new games to play :(
Since my report doesn't have much DB oriented stuff in it this week, I think I might blabber on a bit more. I saw "Kingdom Of Heaven" on Thursday and well... I got bored, confused, and even nodded off for like ten minutes. It's very religious. About the Catholics and Muslims or something. About Jerusalem and how the Catholics are fighting to keep it (I think they're Catholic). From watching to trailers I thought it would be more like an "Alexander" or "Gladiator" type movie. With big battles and fight scenes and some in-depth story, similar to "Gladiator". "Alexander" was great too, but that's more like a historical tale (although they exaggerated some parts and left out others). And I figured "Kingdom of Heaven" wouldn't exactly be historical, but apparently it was meant to be... Well I know that at the end they wrote some fact about the fight of Jerusalem. Anyhow, I thought the movie was confusing and boring. I'm not a Catholic nor Muslim and have no regard for religion, so I guess that's why I got confused so much. Maybe others of the Catholic or Muslim religion, or any other religion, may find it entertaining and interesting, but I personally found the movie to be boring.
"Fantastic Four" the movie (with real people, not cartoons) is coming soon. It looks great! The special affects look great! I think the action may be great too, but I'm hoping there'll be a decent story. And they won't screw things up and make it all Hollywood-like. Like Spiderman for example. Peter Parker in the cartoon show was a good looking guy, but a bit of a dork. In the movie, they got the most nerdy looking guy to play Peter Parker. And they made the movies so emotional, especially the sequel. I don't remember watching to cartoon and seeing him beat himself silly over Mary-Jane. I just remember him trying to score dates with Mary-Jane and fighting bad guys. None of this depressing emotional rollercoaster. Although I don't know whether the comic book was like that.
A movie I am impressed with that has come from a comic book is X-men.
Although they don't have all the characters, like Beast and Bandit!, they
still made it entertaining. And they didn't screw up stories all that
much. Jubilee is in the movie, but you only see her like once or twice.
She hasn't got a main part, and that sucks coz she was cool. And Rogue's
character is a bit screwed, because isn't she meant to be able to fly?
Like levitate or something? I think it sucks how they put Nightcrawler in
before they put Beast and Bandit in. Bandit (spelling?) is the guy who
throws those cards. But i've read that X-men 3 is in a developing stage
and they're thinking to put in Beast, Bandit, maybe Jubilee, and that
steel dude you saw in X-men 2 who burst through the wall to help save the
kids. However, from what I've read, they're not sure if Anna Pacquin
(Rogue) will be apart of the third movie. But Iceman (guy from Animorphs)
will be apart of it.
"Mr. & Mrs. Smith" looks like it'll be a smash too! With Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie teaming together in a movie where they are both assassins looks to be interesting. Especially since neither of them know they're assassins and find out when they are assigned to eliminate each other. Although the plot doesn't sound original, the trailers look awesome. Looks like there'll be a mix of comedy, action, sex appeal, and a decent story. I'm hoping it won't go all Hollywood style and over kill it with too much action, sex, and more action and no story. A bit like "Resident Evil: Apocalypse"... completely sh*t all over the game... They took a lot of the scenes from "RE: Code Veronica" the game. Even though the setting was from "RE 3" the game... I don't see how making a movie from the game can mix a number of games together. You don't really make a movie from a book and mix two or three books into one movie... "RE: Apocalypse" got over killed by the high budget and over use of explosions and fight scenes. Although it says little considering the fight scenes weren't large and there weren't many of them. And how pathetic is it that S.T.A.R.S were eliminated by Nemesis in a single second. S.T.A.R.S are elite! They should not be able to be destroyed by some mutated giant with a giant rail gun. They would have ducked behind thick walls and under objects to avoid being hit by the bullets. And in the "RE 3" game, some S.T.A.R.S members do get killed by the Nemesis, but he doesn't kill them all at once! And he stalks you throughout the game too. It's very creepy!! "Resident Evil" the movie was pretty alright. And it's ironic, because that had a very low budget, and yet made over 100 million dollars at the Box Office (Cinemas). So it just goes to show that at times, less is more.
Well I think that's enough of my movie ranting.
CSK Hot Shots for this Week
Nilani Bakash for winning 3 medals and receiving a Steel Cross for her
dedicated work as Aedile of House Aleema.
Vervain Markenin for completing 2 exams and winning 1st
place in Satal's Jumble Tumble Spy
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Master Student Program: http://www.satalketo.net/msp Guide! http://www.satalketo.net/mspg.html
_**CSK Advancement Guide**_**:**
http://www.satalketo.net/advance.html](http://www.satalketo.net/advance.html) (_Updated_)
_**CSK Site**_**:** [
http://www.satalketo.net](http://www.satalketo.net) (_Only Guides can be viewed, see website
for details_)
**Satal's Quotation Trivia
Read your designated House Reports for House Competition details!
_**CSK Newsletter**_**:** _On Hold_
**_CSK Weekly Meetings_:** _On Hold_
_**CSK Game:**_ _On Hold_
_**Patriciate of Satal Keto:**_ _Developing
__**Clan History:**_ _In _
_**_Master Student Program:_ **_Website is being updated
_**_CSK Leadership Duty Guide:_** _Completed_
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