Night Hawks Weekly Report
I am fighting in my ACC battles still, and heading out to Chicago this weekend for a belly dancing workshop, and writing like crazy for the various comps. Lech gave me a script, and Im working on the details, so the Night Hawks will have a new website. My goal is by my next report to have that finished.
What are you doing? Seeing as our roster is full, it is getting much more competitive to keep a spot on the battleteam. That means, to stay here with us in the Night Hawks, I need to see activity. At least once a month (Im being very flexible here), I need to see either one competition entry, one Shadow Academy course passed, or an email from you with at least a ½ page in character telling me what you are doing. Better yet, participate in the upcoming Independence Games.
That will keep your slot. If I dont receive that, you can join the general ranks of House Marka Ragnos, or you can join Rai over in HLK he has spots open for now. Places are filling fast! grin But, I would love to see you stay here with me, so lets get busy!
Awards: This was a very slow week. I received a scroll of indoctrination, and that was all that came through.
Transfers: Yay! Addicks joined us.
From the Chirurgeons office:
Competitions this week:
Konar's Graphic Comp #1
If you are good at making graphics then this is for you. Make a lightsaber for Konar.
Kat's Secret
Hmm...what's her secret?
This is a very broad topic so you could virtually write about anything.
Those are the new ones. There are still the comps from last week available, so get to it!
Roster: Sharmin Wheyes, TaDor Quith, Sildrin Rys , Zhang Long, Lech, Ghost Angel, Alexandria Eris Entar, Taliana Ordo, Morombath, Velinos, Addicks, Kat Pridemore
Word of the Week: This week, the word for drinks in #Naga_Sadow is member. You can take that however you like. But, please email me if you need anything. My email address is [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. If you cant remember that, I also have one at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
In your service,
JH Kat Pridemore (Krath)/TET/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
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