Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings to everyone,

Okay, some people might ask why I don't write House Report #7. Simple : Last week report was #7!

DB News

Recruitement cards

It looks like the DB is getting recruitement cards! Read Jac's post for details.

Kirleta AEDILE position is free!

If you want to, you can apply for getting Kirleta's AED position. Go read the numerous requirements if you are interested! I hope you're not :D

House News

Schisca's competition is over.

Yes, the deadline has passed. He will announce the results as soon as he can!

New members!

Welcome to:

APP Sourman

APP Viktor Starcross

APP Mesas

APP Rydack

APP LiLAngel

APP Vertas


NOV Archaon has passed the Test of Wisdom! Well done!

APP Mesas has done the Dark Jedi Meditation course! Great!

GRD Xan has completed the Leadership Applications! Woohoo!

APP Thran Occasus has completed the IRC Basics and Sith Tactics!

APP Viktor Starcross completed the Sith Core and Sith Flight Studies I and II!

SW Lusankya has completed the Leadership Studies! Well done!

APP Dékharr has been promoted to NOV. Well done!

APP Thran Occasus has also been promoted to NOV!

NOV Archaon has been promoted to ACO!

Other news

Two people have changed of name:

NOV Adren Rotok is now known as Kaz Koth and ACO Kyle Knopik is know as Christopher Kyle.

Other other news

Participate in our AED competitions! It's important to participate in competitions. If you want to get to DJK someday, you MUST participate in competitions of all levels - House, Clan and DB-wide comps!

Misc news

School is over for summer. Hurray!

If you have any questions, EMAIL ME OR GODO NUROK OR ESCA! We're there to help you out in the DB. Don't hesitate!

Have a good week,

SWL Numaril

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