Master At Arms Report


Master At Arms Report

Another week another report. Nothing special going on in the Office. The Master at Arms Office continue his effort to process your request, recommendation or whatnot as fast as we can. Thanx to my Praetor living in nine hours behind my timezone we can keep things on queque for a very short time. As you all have noticed nothing hang there for more then few hours. BUT to be able to do that there are some guideliens everyone should follow.

1) When submitting rewards for a compeitiotn do NOT forget to add a link to the competition dettails along with the reason and placing of the member you are requesting for.

2) When sumitting a competition request, be sure to check on the DSC for the proper reward for the kind and magnitude of comp you want to run. I know the DSC doesn't give a whole lot of explanation, infact we are working on a manual only for that, but it surely give you a clear idea of what crescent go for each kind of comp. As always, if you have any question don't esitate to contact me and my staff at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

3) Legion of the Scholar is the only accepted reward for Triva compeititon, regardles of the magnitude. If you are not able to request a LS yourself, contact any of your superior and they'll send it trought for you.

4) ANY request/info/updates/whatnot you send to me must go trought [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Me and my staff recive mails sent to this list, wich means that we can process things in a timely fashion if we are informed.

This are simple things to keep in mind when dealing with the MAA Office. Nothing too complicated to keep in mind that also speed our job.

Odd week really. Last weekend I've been busy with some friends from the USAF base in Livorno. They came over for the weekend and I had to show then Rome. It was fun on some degree thought really exausting.

Then on sunday my mother was ospitalized for a surgery at her left eye (don't ask for info, I won't be able to translate medial terms into english =P) Good enought yesterday she's been sent back home and now instead of going to the hospital after work, I go to her house to see if she need something before head home. Not a big change I guess =P

I found out the shop I work for is going to close at the end of the month and that mean I'll have some more freetime to devote to the DB and my japanese and aikido stuff.

No real announcment from me. Just follow the guidelines I worte at the beginning of this report while we construct a proper manual.

Roster Count

Current Roster: 2018

Last Week's Count: 1879

SWL Robert Daragon (Sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

Other promotions made this past week:


SW Godo Nurok (Sith)/AED/Ziost of Exar Kun

DJK Lucien Azyr Triadus Isradia (Krath)/AED/Byss of Exar Kun

DJK Horus Blackheart Aquillarum (Sith)/AED/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae

JH Dakari (Sith)/QUA/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae

Medal Report


His Excellency, Dark Adept Khan

Master At Arms and Heir of Exar Kun

Don't forget Ansha and Vail got DA!!!

Wohoo for them.

God, I always forget someone... HOOAH for the DAs !!

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