Well, rather than regurgitate all of the rewards and such for the last week, i'm going to cover a couple important things. If you want to see your local news, check the reports from Bob and Manji. <p>I love the Bar Brawl When i crashed out last night, i took a look at the comp stats for sunday. As of about 11 pm EST, we were rocking it hardcore. Between Kat Pridemore, Voort SaBinring, and Xhedias Draconis Entar, there was around 50 matches played. Which was about ten more than any other clan. PWNED! We very well might have beaten the Tally gang out this week, and that makes me proud. Furthermore, it took Voort to convince me that while i might pimp out on dual swords in real life, the sabrestaff in JA is much better for me than trying to doubleswing sabres. coolness.
<p> Promotions I have had a couple people bug me about promotions in the last couple weeks. Yes, I have some juice to authorize promos. But here's the rub...Just because you're active in comps is not enough. I have to justify promotions to a higher power... and if i recc people and they don't pass muster with the big dogs, I get slapped. Muz doesn't like being on the recieving end of slappage. So I'm going to break down a few pointers on how to pimp out enough to get promo'd.
Do bigger stuff, without automatic rewards. There are some of you guys who do nothing, and just sit there, do a comp once in a while, or take a SA course. That's cool, but all that'll do is keep you off the AWOL lists.
You gotta go above and beyond. Put up comps of your own, and judge them. You don't have to be in a position to do this, look at the pimptasticness of Konar. Just send the results in to house or clan summit, and we can take care of the medals part. Easy enough...
but wait, there's more! Email your house or clan summits. I know I am super-swamped with stuff to do...for myself, for the houses, for the clan, and for the brotherhood. And I'm sure that the other summits are similarly chock full of work. Send us an email if you got a few hours, and we'll hand off something for you to do. Yeah, it might be a little grunt work, but the fact that you are willing to do it saves us time and labor, and we remember that come promo time. Boy do we... I spend upwards of 30 hours a week on the db, and I still feel like I am falling behind. And I think Goat prolly spends more time still.
Pwn the competitions Yeah, i know i said that comps isn't enough...but it is still important to decimate our competitions, and wastify the other clans in comps. But that can't be all a guy does to get promo'd. Pimping out the sunday comp is a good way to start, and by doing stuff like running comps and helping out all over the place will definately set you on the path to getting that promo.
<p>Robert Daragon (Sadow) has announced his new Black Guard, and it is none other than Xhedias Draconis Entar.
Manji hasn't released his new BG comp, although I'd guess it has to do with the Frozen Fortress campaign.
So, as it stands, the BG is comprised of:
Macron Guara (Muz)
Xhedias Draconis Entar (Bob)
Lech (Xizor)
Kat Pridemore (Raistlin)
Unassigned Guard posts are available for Xanos and Manji, and awaiting comps. <p>
<p> Lenzar - Chess ladder
Konar - Writing comp #1, where you hunt down a vampire while protecting your buddy
Konar - Design a Pimped-out sabre, must be 3D and non-ignited.
Raidoner - Sweep and Clean (Run-on in HLK's MB)
Raidoner - Design an Imperial Fighter comp
Kat - Writing about Kat's secret
Macron - Limerick Competition
Voort - Challenge Voort in JO/JA to earn points and possibly a medal
Manji - Frozen Fortress (Massive multi-platform comp)
Muz - Settling the Tab (Fiction, steal a booze tanker from EH space)
Muz - No Longer (SWGB:CC campaign, mail muz for mission)
Gaming nights for MP games (and ACClive!) every Tuesday and Thursday evening. Join the IRC channel of #GMRG and get to it.
InterClub Training Event every Saturday after the meetings in #outerrim. Both events net you a Cluster of Fire for each win and every third loss. <p>
-> <-
KE Muz Ashen Keibatsu (Krath)/PCON/Naga Sadow (Dossier # 3714)
the Lion of Tarthos</p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>
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