Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

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House Qel-Droma of Arcona

Quaestor Report

21st May 2005

The shadows of history haunt us.


5) Cause I said so. Ha, like that'll work.

4) To celebrate our independence from Hitler-tine. Hail Caesar.

3) To show that the Dark Side of the Force is stronger when it comes to jumping through silly hoops that no one cares about.

2) To steal Arania's first place medals.

1) To steal Strat's :D


In other news, I have chosen Templar Blade Dranal as my Aedile. He has brought some interesting ideas to the table so far, which I'll be giving some serious thought to.

I'd like to welcome Apprentice kraven to our House, and I also wish to congratulate Kreth Drey on his promotion to Novice! Well done!

I'd also like to congratulate Strategos for receiving both a Crescent with a Sapphire Star (for the ICTE) and a Star of Antei (for his dedication as JaM3z's Royal Guard)! It is good to see some Krath getting involved in gaming platforms!

For those looking for a small House competition: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=887 The first event is a little complicated, and Ill be impressed if anyone finishes it. However, you can do either, or even both.

Once again, take a look at the Independence Games website and complete what events you can. This is going to be the "big thing" for another month, maybe two.

I am my own valor.

Epis Denath Ciarus

Quaestor of Qel-Droma

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