Herald Report


Herald Report

If you have Star Wars news to report, drop me a line.

  • Site Reconstruction

    HRLD Site projects are moving but nothing uploaded yet.

SWGN list of tasks has been mailed off to those who needed


  • Grant Of Arms Requests

Hi... This is where you usually see a big red "Do Not Request Them" statement, right? Well I've decided to not be such a tyrant

and explain a few things.

  1. Please do not request a GoA. Ignore that link in your dossier. I'm deleting all mail asking for one.

  2. My thanks goes out to those who voiced an opinion on the committee. I have accepted the ideas from various members and am

working on a new system to incorporate a lot of the points brought up.

  1. The New GoA System is also currently in a graphic devlopment stage based on these suggestions.

  2. We anticipate the new system to be available by mid-July.

  • Custom Lightsabers

Nothing New.

At Last We Will Have Our Revenge!

Unless you've been under a rock for the last six months you should already know that **Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The

Sith** is in theaters. GO SEE IT NOW! RIGHT NOW! If you're reading this and you haven't already seen it or made plans to, turn

off your computer and get to the theater.

_After starting the day with $16,912,367 from midnight shows alone, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith closed

Thursday with $50,013,859 from an estimated 9,400 screens at 3,661 theaters. That's the biggest day ever for a single movie in



A Certain Point Of View

You may recall from my last report that I claimed I wasn't going to bother going to the opening night because I didn't have

tickets and hated crowds... Well as luck would have it my father won tickets from a radio contest. The contest was supporting a

less popular local theater.

I went to the theater at about 6:00 planning on facing a moderate crowd. This theater is in a dying mall but still plays first-

run flicks so I was thinking there'd be a sizeable group. I was wrong. If there were 100 people in the theater I'd be surprised.

When I arrived there were about 15 people in line, then a theater employee walked to the side of the line and barked "6:30 Star

Wars to the right, 7:00 Star Wars to the left." The majority of the crowd in front of me (12 of them) split to the right,

leaving me and three others "first" in line. About 10 minutes later a few friends of the guy in front of me showed up and - of

course - butted in line. I did not care - for I was still 7th in line.

There was one guy wearing a Celebration III shirt and hat, and I looked at him a couple times but said nothing to anyone (except

my wife of course). I was all decked out in my Imperial Logo shirt, jeans and black suede shoes and jacket.

Soon enough we were able to go inside (it was actually a grand total of 28 minutes I had to wait in line). Darting past the few

others in front of me as they headed straight to the concession counter, I found myself nearly first into the room. I took a

quick survey of speaker location and chose a spot. I actually got to sit where I wanted to sit. I was overjoyed. I was

about to see the final piece of the saga - a piece I've waited a near-lifetime to see - and on it's opening night.

The rest... well, you'll have to go to the theater to experience what came next for yourself.

Review Of The Sith

Jac has one, Goatham has one, Cannibisia has one. Numerous others out there do as well. Mine is simple, and spoiler free.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is the best film I have seen in a long time. I am extremely biased. I love Star Wars,

obviously, and it is difficult for me to say anything negative. I love this film. I laughed, I cried, I was shocked and I was

relieved. I liked everything, really, and I'm sure I will til I start discussing it with others. Though, after waiting 25 years

to see it (yeah it's been 28 years but I'm not quite old enough to merit that) I am ready to defend it. Lucas has, believe it or

not, devised a story - this Space Opera - from the sci-fi serials of his youth. It shares quite a lot with said serials, and as

such should not really be heralded as anything less, and should not be expected to be a whole lot more. I think people place

expectations on the saga because they hold the original films up so high - most from a nostalgic perspective rather than its

face value.

This film serves so many purposes. For the casual fan, it wraps up the saga. For the hardcore geek, it answers all the

questions. For the action freak, it delivers. For the film snob, it shines as another example of big-budget gone wild. Remember

this when you are watching the 20th Century Fox logo fade on the screen: It's Star Wars. Think of A New Hope - it was a little

campy, a little hokey, a little surreal, a little mysterious - and a whole lot of plain good fun, just like RotS.

Star Wars Battlefront II

The Official Site has a new

screenshots and info on the next Battlefront, but [GZ

Downloads](http://downloads.gamezone.com/demos/d12690.htm) has the Electronic Entertainment Expo (aka E3) 2005 trailer!

ESB Falcon Could Fly!

BBC News has a feature about the

secrets behind the creation of a "flying saucer" from a film made a long time ago in a studio far, far away....

Food for Thought

San Diego Union Tribune

unravelled a mystery that has haunted SW fans for years - what WAS Aunt Beru making in that stew?

I haven't really played much SWG lately this week because of two things:

  1. I busted a rib. Yeah you read it right - I fractured one of my damned bones. It hurt like hell and still does when I try to

sleep. I haven't been getting much sleep because of it so I'm rather exhausted. You'd think that'd give me a lot of time to play SWG - being forced to stay awake and all - but truth is my focus is horrible when I'm tired and can't sleep. Chappelle's Show Season 1 DVDs have kept me company.

  1. Friends. They all want to play Neverwinter Nights... and since I have their characters saved as Server Vault I have to host

the games. So those nights when I'm not exhausted I have them looking for me...

I actually had stuff pop up last weekend, so hopefully this one will be free of interference so I can play some SWG.

Get well soon!

Hope you get well soon kaine.

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