Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


[DB News]

-The obvious one is that Revenge of the Sith was released! I'm sorry to say that I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard that it's great!

-A lot of Rebirth information was released as well. The new proposal is available here: http://gm.darkjedibrotherhood.com/awakening.html. A calendar tracking the project is here: http://gm.darkjedibrotherhood.com/DBCalendar.html.

-The Independence Games were released! This is a fairly large-scale competition, that we received second in last year. Our policy is that you participate in events if you want to earn medals or help out the clan. The website is here: http://www.independencegames.net/

[Clan/House News]

-The Clan values were released, these embody the core beliefs of Taldryan. (http://www.taldryan.org/values.php)

-All the members from APP to ACO, excluding our newest member wrethen, were removed from the Clan, bringing Taldryan to a nice trim number.

-Well it's time for me to announce the selection of the new Aedile. First I'd like to thank everyone who applied for the decision, making this such a difficult choice. But I'd like to congratulate DJK Chaosrain, the new Aedile of Ektrosis!


APP wrethen from the Rogues. Please make him feel at home!

[Shadow Academy]





Betja - Cr-T

DS - Cr-S, Cr-E(x2), LS

Tiberius - Cr-T, Cr-E

NexusMage - Cr-E

Chaosrain - LS


-The Independence Games! Register and participate here: http://www.independencegames.net/independence/index.php?act=register

-No MTs this month, but Telona is running a competition called HoloTV. You should write a piece about your character's favorite TV show.

-The Multiplayer Gaming nights continue. Details on the Taldryan site


-The Emperor's New Clothes. Find a picture of the Emperor and give him a new outfit! Send entries to Dalthid.

-What's Your Story? Ziggy is running a competition that requires to write a piece about your character's history of how they started and joined Taldryan.(http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=921)

-Fun with Geography! Name different components of the Taldryan system and send names to Proconsul Shadow.


There's plenty of stuff to do, so get going!

-QUA Dark Sabre

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