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22nd May 2005
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It has arrived... Star Wars Episode III!
I haven't seen it yet, but I have read mixed reviews about the movie. Most
of the reviews, fortunately, say the movie is good. However I must see it
for myself to determine whether I like it or not! Oh, and to see Anakin
turn to the Dark Side and stop being a brat :P
In Celebration of SW Episode III, the Dark
Jedi Brotherhood has a new look! :D I think it looks more sexier,
especially since it's mostly in black :)
The Independence Games 2005 has also arrived! Currently the games hold 20 fun filled events. Ranging from Gaming, Fiction, Poetry, Graphic and Miscellaneous. Most of the events are simple and fun! View further below for the link.
To start submitting to events you need to register to the website. It's
completely free and you won't get any spam emails or anything. It's just
there so that you can submit to the events. All submissions are done
online. Please use your DB name as your username when you register.
The great thing about DB Competitions such as the Independence Games is
that they give members something to do, they give members the chance to
win medals, they give members merit toward their next promotion, and they
give members some much needed fun! If anyone has an queries regarding this
competition, please ask your superiors.
9 Promotions made this week! Congratulations to those members who are out there and earning their promotions :)
6 new Apprentices joined our Clan this week :D I have heard that the Dark
Jedi Brotherhood has been growing rapidly over the past week. Gaining six
new APPs in one week is almost enough to be a Clan record. It's great to
see fresh faces join our Clan :)
12 Exams completed this week!! Excellent work by those members who passed
exams this week! It's great to see members getting out there and being
active :)
The Clan Competition ended this week. Thank you to everyone who participated in Satal's Quotation Trivia!
Here are the results;
1st Place - Kraznor
_2nd Place_ - Vervain Markenin
_3rd Place_ - Zadious
New Aediles in both Houses this week! House Aleema welcomes DJK Zadious as their new Aedile. House Kirleta welcomes PRT Vervain Markenin as their new Aedile. I welcome you both to the Summit of the Clan.
I made a bit of a fool out of myself this week. Not much of a surprise to some :P I went to visit our Clan website and it was down. I emailed the server host and his email was down too, since it was apart of the server. So, immediately I think the website has crashed. So, in a panic, I sent out an email letting everyone know it was down. Within about 6hrs, I came back online and found the site to be working again. So... it must have been some minor error... I guess in future I'll wait a few more hours before stressing :P
Now for my little comments... I got a day off work today, thus my report is on time, and thus it is earlier than midnight. So yay for me! But, no doubt, I'll be working the next 4 days of this week. Oh joy, joy, joy... Getting paid it good, but working 6hrs each day to get paid is poopy. I wanna be a chocolate sampler. Mmmmmmm. Be like Barney drinking straight from the Bar Tap and Moe's Bar. I wouldn't stop eating chocolates until I passed out. Hahaha!
Something non-SW related; EuroVision 2005 was on t.v last night in our country. I didn't watch all of it, only saw the end where they were voting. I don't know whether other countries get commentary... but these two men, one Irish and one English, are the funniest commentators! They mock just about everything and they make little comments whilst the hosts of the show are speaking, and they make honest and blunt comments about the performers. I'm guessing that the commentators aren't actually being heard by the people on the show, especially after some of the things they say. One example; The hosts go by satellite connection to each European country who has cast their votes. Now, some countries get a delay. By about 2-3 secs, some times 5. The Hosts will say, "Hello [insert country]". The Country will reply, "Hello [Hosts]. Now, either before the country says hello back, or after the country says hello back, the commentators say, "Hello" in response. And if the other countries keeps talking and talking before giving results, the men will say things like, "Oh we don't want to here your crap. Just give us the scores!". It's something you have to hear for yourself. It's pretty funny to see and hear. And they make some funny comments about some of the performers, and give them nicknames. Like one performer looked like a granny (but I didn't see her), so when the voting came up they kept saying, "Don't give points to granny! You'd be stupid to give points to granny!". And toward the end the commentators were going, "I think we're safe. We won't be seeing Granny again". Again, something you have to see and hear for yourself to get what I'm talking about.
The winner was Greece. So next years EuroVision will be held in Athens.
The song was crappy pop poo crap! Nothing I personally liked. The
performance was lame too. A female singer with back up dancers who looked
like and were dancing like the Back Street Boys.
If you wanna see how over-excited Europeans can get and how they like to
shout instead of talk normally, then watch EuroVision :P Oh yeah, and
watch it to see how lame some of their performers are.
CSK Hot Shots for this Week
Everyone who was promoted this week!
Everyone who went and saw SW Episode III this week!
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Master Student Program: http://www.satalketo.net/msp Guide! http://www.satalketo.net/mspg.html
_**CSK Advancement Guide**_**:**
_**CSK Site**_**:** [
http://www.satalketo.net](http://www.satalketo.net) (_Only Guides can be viewed, see website
for details_)
**Independence Games 2005
_**CSK Newsletter**_**:** _On Hold_
**_CSK Summit Weekly Meetings_:** _Under Trial_
_**CSK Game:**_ _On Hold_
_**Patriciate of Satal Keto:**_ _Developing
__**Clan History:**_ _In _
_**_Master Student Program:_ **_Website is being updated_
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[Dark Jedi
[Dark Side
[Clan Satal
[House Aleema](http://www.satalketo.net/Aleema/)
[House Kirleta](http://www.freewebs.com/housekirleta/)
[CSK Advancement
[Gaming Guide](http://www.satalketo.net/gguide.php)
[Clan Satal Keto Message
New DB CSK Message Board](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?s=f8068d539c28f134cce7ea8f40980ffa&showforum=20)
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