Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Night Death Phyle

Report #3 - May 23rd, 2005


Krath Tetrarch Jonuss Rai Sadow

Krath Tyro Sledge Veracious

Krath Tyro Zelrik

Woohoo, I'm not alone anymore! :P


Well, I'm still fighting Kat in the ACC, which reminds me, I have to post to that soon. :P I went to a party last night and danced. Yeah, I got down with my bad self (or whatever the fuck they call it now). Danced with the woman of my dreams and one or two of her cousins and her sister too. No slow dancing so we were all kinda huddled together on the dance floor. If you want to know how I dance, think of Elaine from Seinfeld, but not as bad. I know my "moves" suck, I just went up there b/c I was asked to. So yeah, I had fun.

I also called out of work last thursday to see star wars. it was definitely worth it.


It's not a comp but I need some rituals for the Book of Sadow I'm compiling for the clan. Just include the ritual name, components, a vivid description of the ritual itself, incantations, and anything else you think might be good for others to recreate the ritual. Just send them to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and be forever immortalized in Naga Sadow history.

That battleteam bar brawl thingy is going on.

And I'm sure other stuff is happening too, I just don't feel like looking for it at the moment. Guess I'm not quite out of that "retirement" feeling yet.


Our team website is still down, it's not quite a priority at the moment for me since I just spent 5 hours formatting my computer and finding out I lost everything I had on both my harddrives. Yeah, it sucks.


Jonuss Rai: IRC, ACC fight

Sledge Veracious: Nothing I've been told of

Zelrik: Nothing I've been told of

I'll be in email contact with you guys either today or tomorrow with extra stuff you can do to appease me.

*CC me on all activity so I know you're doing stuff


I had fun last night, did some work, watched star wars with friends, all in all it's been a different week for me. I don't think I can handle this whole "social life" stuff, i'm exhausted. :P

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