Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Welcome DJK Kali Desdemona, GRD Kaylesha, and APP Silpheed the Jedi Assasain!!!


Grand Cross of the Dark Side (GC) awarded to DJK Aerick Triadus Isradia

2 Clusters of Fire (CF) awarded to DJK Lucien Azyr Triadus Isradia

Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) awarded to DJK Lucien Azyr Triadus Isradia

Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to DA Jonaleth Isradia Kunar Aquillarum

Crescent with Emerald Star (E) awarded to JH Korbin

Dark Cross (DC) awarded to DJK Lucien Triadus Isradia

Sapphire Blade (SB) awarded to SO Cyris Oscura

Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to JH Korbin

Amethyst Kukri (AK) awarded to DA Jonaleth Isradia Kunar Aquillarum

Congrats peeps!

New Names

A small change - Lucien dropped the Azyr in his name so now he’s Lucien Triadus Isradia

Azyrith Desdemonea changed her name to Desdemonea Isradia

SA Courses Passed

Syrus Korodin : Leadership Studies Passed

Come on guys…get schoolin’!


PRT Scorpius to Guardian (GRD)

ACO Syrus Korodin to Protector (PRT)

Great work guys!


Independence Games - I hope you all remembered to register so you can compete. It’s important that we show the DB how much we rock so compete in any and all the games!

(HOUSE COMP) Unfinished thoughts - Each week during the competition, Lucien will attach an unfinished piece of fiction to his reports. Your task is to finish the fiction piece, adding at least 1-2 pages. Points given for continuity, realism, and humor. Submit to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and don't forget to CC your House Envoy as well! ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Ends: 5/15/2005

(CLAN COMP) Journeymen Jedi - A poem in the forms of a haiku, line, epic, ballad or rhyming poem! This month's topic will be none other than Castle Frost, home of Clan Exar Kun. Show me passion, give me imagery, make me see Castle Frost through your words - watch for different topics in the future! Ends 5/30/2005

(CLAN COMP) CEK - Current Events - Short fiction that covers any current topic in Clan Exar Kun. Use details and imagery to make your story stand out! Possible topics (but not limited too) are: The rise of Aerick and Lucien to Dark Jedi Knight, Cipher stepping down as QUA, Cym being appointed QUA, Vithril being appointed to AED, a promotion or award you received, etc.. Ends 5/30/2005

Master/Student Program

I’m still looking for a student. So email me [Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you’re looking for a master. Or if you want a different Master or need a student, email Lucien [Log in to view e-mail addresses] for more info and get a Master or Student today!

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